

How to Get an Internship as a High School Junior

If you are a high school junior and have not had an internship yet, you’re running short on time if you want an internship experience to be part of your college applications. Right now, you have between whatever date you are reading this and the fall of your senior year to identify, secure, and, at least, start a meaningful and relevant internship experience. In this post, we’ll map out how to make it happen. We can also help you make it happen. First, though, why should you get an internship?

How to Get an Internship as a High School Sophomore

You’re only a sophomore in high school, but you have big goals. This describes most of the students we work with. However, simply having big goals doesn’t mean that they will work out. In order to get into a top college, you need to begin pursuing your goals early in your high school experience. An internship can be a crucial piece of the puzzle, offering the opportunity to deepen and refine your interests beyond the courses and programs offered at your school.

How to Get an Internship as a High School Freshman

You may not be thinking college yet, but you can be nearly certain that someone else at your school is going to want to apply to your dream school. If you both have great grades and strong leadership roles and impressive extracurriculars, it can be hard to differentiate yourself even if you have totally different areas of academic interest. This is where we excel in supporting students, and we’ve found that pursuing an academic passion independently through an internship is a proven way to set yourself apart. In this post, we’ll break down what you need to do to find and secure an internship as a high school freshman.

Impressive High School Internships in Computer Science

The college application process can be very competitive. We advise our students to get ahead by developing an academic area of expertise throughout high school; a brand, if you will. This should be a specific area of interest around which your extracurriculars and classes align. If you’re interested in computer science and plan on applying to a related program, we have some advice on how to land a great internship.

Impressive High School Internships in Business 

We advise all of our clients to develop an academic area of expertise throughout high school. This should be highly specific. For example, politics is too broad, but American policy or local government is a good start. If you’re interested in business, you should make sure your classes and your extracurriculars align. Get specific. Finance, entrepreneurship, and tech are all good possibilities. Next, your goal should be to land an internship where you can actually be involved and work. It doesn’t help much (for your resume or your development) if you’re at a major investment bank but you’re just getting coffee all summer.

Impressive High School Internships in Finance

Applying to colleges can be a big task. These days, with Ivy League schools (and even non-Ivies!) boasting single-digit acceptance rates, it can feel challenging to get ahead of the competition. Internships are a great opportunity to build something meaningful on your resume. But we recommend against going for a major company everyone’s heard of.

Impressive High School Internships in Entrepreneurship

We work with our clients to get ahead of the competition by building impressive resumes. Part of this requires cultivating a highly specific brand centered around a niche academic area. Entrepreneurship is a great specialty to pursue throughout high school. We recommend aligning your classes and extracurriculars around the area and then applying directly to programs and majors that are a natural extension of your specialty. One way to strengthen your resume is to land an impressive internship.

Impressive High School Internships in the Environment

There are few issues more pressing than climate change. As the world battles with unprecedented fires, storms, and drought due to man-made climate change, it’s going to take a Herculean effort to, not only cut carbon emissions, but also adapt human life. The good news is, there is a lot young people can do. In fact, a group of kids recently won a long-shot case in against the government in Montana for the harmful effects of climate on their home state. As always, we advise our students to seek out internships where they can actually work on projects and produce results. It’s far more impressive to be somewhere you can say you accomplished xy and z than it is to have a fancy company or organization on your resume where you obviously spent your internship getting coffee for executives.

Impressive High School Internships in Politics

The important thing to keep in mind when seeking a high school internship is to first hone in on an academic area of expertise. We always advise our students to pick a niche early in high school and develop it throughout. Your classes and extracurriculars should reflect your area of expertise. If you’re a student interested in politics there are many paths you can take. Get specific. Are you interested in government? Campaigns? Policy? Figure that out first and then figure out where to go.  The idea is to really dive in where you can make an impact. It’s more impressive (and more rewarding!) to have an internship in a smaller, community-oriented setting where you can get your hands dirty than it is to land something at a prestigious, national organization where you’ll be getting coffee.

Impressive High School Internships in the Medical Field

We often hammer home to our students the importance of developing an academic area of expertise throughout high school. How we find students set themselves apart in a highly competitive landscape is to develop a super-specific niche that’s reflected in the elective classes you take, the extracurriculars in which you participate, your summer plans.

How to Get an Internship in High School

You’ve probably heard about college students getting internships, but did you know that high school students can too? Internships provide you with exposure to a field of work, and give you access to people who want to help teach you. Jobs do both of these things too, obviously, but high schoolers typically can’t access a job where they will spend significant amounts of time, learning from and shadowing alongside experienced people in a field you may be interested in studying in college or pursuing professionally. This is what internships can provide, and this is why we encourage them.

Best Undergraduate Colleges for Capitol Hill Internships

Ah, the Hill. One of the most competitive professional playgrounds in the country. And there’s definitely an advantage to going to school in D.C. itself where you can rub shoulders with would-be employers. But it’s also important to keep in mind that the Hill represents Americans from every state, opening doors for exemplary students across the country to dive right in. However, it’s definitely best suited for those with thick skin and impressive resumes. For those who know they’re destined for a path in politics, check out these schools:

Best Virtual Internships for High School Students Interested in Politics

If you’re planning on majoring in Political Science, or want to see if you’re genuinely interested in the field, trying to find a remote internship or opportunity for this upcoming summer is a good place to start. There are a lot of offerings on the internet, which is why it’s important to be thorough in your research. Everyone is still working through the transition to virtual opportunities and work, so it’s unlikely that you’ll secure a job that has you knocking on doors and shaking hands with the big wigs. Even still, internships are great ways to get your foot in the door and test out a potential career path.