Ah, the Hill. One of the most competitive professional playgrounds in the country. And there’s definitely an advantage to going to school in D.C. itself where you can rub shoulders with would-be employers. But it’s also important to keep in mind that the Hill represents Americans from every state, opening doors for exemplary students across the country to dive right in. However, it’s definitely best suited for those with thick skin and impressive resumes. For those who know they’re destined for a path in politics, check out these schools:
George Washington
It’s hard to beat GW for politics. Not only is it right in the belly of the beast, but GW’s paper in 2019 that it produced more congressional staffers than any other school in the country. This is a tremendous launching point for anyone who knows they want to be in the thick of politics. A fifth of all Poli Sci grads at GW end up working in politics after graduation.
Ivies are top feeders to the Hill. But Stanford outranks them all because of its Stanford in Washington program. The School of Humanities and Sciences place all program participants in a full-time internship in D.C. Past placements have included the White House, the Fed, offices of U.S. senators and reps., as well as on Senate and House committees.
It’s no surprise that our top three is made up entirely of D.C. schools. According to a by Legbranch (the same one GW cited above), American is the second largest producer of congressional staffers in the country. Top jobs for American Poli Sci grads include working in the Senate or the House. This is an excellent choice for anyone who knows they’re destined for the Hill (or the West Wing).
Georgetown is one of the most competitive schools in the nation and it’s no surprise Capitol Hill is full of Georgetown alumni. Students who major in Government, Political Economy, Politics & Culture, and International Politics have a high yield rate of ending up in government jobs after graduation. When gunning for a competitive internship on Hill, Georgetown students applicants connect with representatives from their home states.
Harvard is, well, Harvard and like it or not, Harvard grads have a hand in running the country from the Hill. Its Institute of Politics is renowned and runs a Director’s Internship program. The program seeks to connect students directly with competitive internships and has postings for actively open positions in congressional and senatorial offices, party caucuses and federal departments.
The University of Virginia is also reportedly one of the top schools that turns out congressional staffers. While not in D.C., it’s pretty darn close. Charlottesville is just a 2.5 hour drive from Capitol Hill. Poli Sci is a respected major there and it’s also worth noting that UVA’s Center for Politics (a non-partisan org focused on increased civic knowledge) is renowned.
Princeton made our list not just because it’s an Ivy, but also because it’s focused on career development. Princeton offers a Princeton in Washington program that helps connect students to competitive D.C. internships. The School of Public and International Affairs additionally works to connect students with public service internships, even providing funding for unpaid internships. They work to connect students with federal departments, political parties, the White House, and more.
Yale’s Poli Sci department is top-notch. And Yale overall has turned out the second highest number of U.S. presidents, not to mention an impressive list of current senators and congressmen. Having Yale on your resume alone speaks volumes. Plus, everyone knows that (however unfair) Skull & Bones is a powerful player in building the future leaders of America. Prominent alumni include U.S. presidents, SCOTUS justices, senators and the like.
If you’re looking outside of D.C., the state of Michigan itself should be remembered for its position as a political powerhouse. It’s a swing state with plenty of opportunities for eager students to get involved in campaigns and initiatives during the year while building up their resumes before applying to internships on the Hill. It’s Political Science department is excellent.
Columbia University
Another impressive Ivy, Columbia is also a powerhouse when it comes to politics. Hitting the ground running in New York City isn’t a bad way for anyone to build up their resume while considering summer internships in D.C. It’s no accident that the Democratic leaders of both the House and the Senate are from New York.
Students who want to nab Capitol Hill internships need to be focused throughout high school. Applying to a top-notch school with connections to reputable D.C. internships is a great way to get started if you know you’re headed for a career in government or politics. It’s important to position yourself as an expert in the area when applying to a Poli Sci or Government program at a top-ranked school. Be sure to highlight all of the activities that show that you’ve been building a career in the field since at least the 9th grade.
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