
college lists

Best Programs for Specific Majors at Top Tier Schools

Or, as we like to call it, “A Deep Dive into the History of Collegiate Notoriety.” If you’re reading the unofficial title of our new series, you might wonder if we’ve taken cues from Vanity Fair’s  school of journalism or branched into scuba instruction. Although in many ways a seaside vocation navigating the ocean waters full of tropical fish might be less stressful than teaching teenagers to swim through the murky depths of college admissions, the truth is that we’ll always take the hard path over an easy one if it’s worthwhile (and let’s be honest… we’d probably be better sharkbait than deep sea divers, so here we are). 

Best Colleges for Religious Studies 

Religion is an old discipline. It’s no surprise that some of the top programs in the country are at the Ivy Leagues, most of which are, well, old. Religion can be a very interesting major for those who want to go into academia, education, law, nonprofit, or other fields. There are highly prestigious programs across the nation. Here’s our list of schools with top programs:

Best Schools with Late Deadlines

Sometimes, deadlines sneak up. It happens to the best of us, especially if you maybe tried to apply to more schools than you could handle. While it might be January, that doesn’t mean you can’t sneak one or two more applications in. Several schools have late deadlines. Many schools have Jan 15 deadlines (USC, Case Western, UNC…) but there are some with even later deadlines. We are talking February out here. We wanted to shout out some of our favorites and why you should consider them.

Best Colleges If You Love Nature 

College is more than just the academics. It’s going to be your home for four years and it should be in a place you really like. Not only that, the colleges you’re applying to should match your personality. Schools want more than just A+ students with perfect scores. Each one has a unique vibe and culture and they want students whose personalities are a great fit and who will thrive there. There are plenty of great schools out there for nature lovers:

Best Undergraduate Communications Programs 2023-2024

Communications is a popular degree with a major that exists pervasively at schools across the country. Comms majors often go on to pursue careers in Public Relations, Marketing, Social Media, and Journalism. But it’s also worth noting that there are tons of Comms opportunities within almost any large, medium-sized, or even small corporation or nonprofit. There are comms reps. at almost every major company, healthcare system, university, etc. So, if you’re interested in pursuing a Communications major, we recommend reaching for one of the best programs. Our list below:

Best Undergraduate Programs for Journalism 2023-2024  

A Journalism profession is not for the faint of heart. It’s a tough industry that’s getting tougher by the day as newsrooms across America shudder at breakneck pace. But there’s arguably never been a more important time for excellent reporting and journalists across America. Not every school has a Journalism program for undergraduates. But there are a number of top-tier programs for those that do. Most offer practical experience for those who are ready to hit the ground running:

Best Academic Colleges for Musical Theater

While many students know they want to get into a top-tier conservatory and spend the rest of their lives pursuing their Broadway dreams, some students want to pursue a highly academic university career in tandem with their passion for Musical Theater. (And by the way, choosing a standard academic college won’t prevent you from pursuing a profession in the arts whatsoever!) Below is our list of top academic schools that also have great Musical Theater programs:

Best Undergraduate Programs for Environmental Policy Research

It’s not exactly a newsflash that the planet is in great peril. While there have been tremendous strides toward curbing carbon emissions, the U.S. and others still have a long way to go before the planet is back on track. That’s why many in the up-and-coming generation are opting for jobs that help solve the crisis of our lifetime. So for those interested in tackling the issue from a Policy Research perspective, check out the below schools with top-notch programs:

Best Colleges for Urban Planning or Urban Design

Urban Planning is a great field for those interested in all things city planning. While Sociology and History are wonderful and enriching majors, academically, Urban Planning is much more of a career-focused major. So, if you’re destined to work in the field or something involving infrastructure or transit, check out the below programs for Urban Planning and Urban Design:

The Best Colleges for Your Astrological Sign: Scorpio 

We are thrilled (and a little scared), to delve into the final sign of our Astrology based college list series. Finding the right undergraduate college can be as important as aligning the stars, so we have combined the two. We do not recommend basing your college decision on your horoscope, but we have yet again put together a list tailored to one of the most enigmatic celestials. And for a sign as mysterious as the system of Astrology itself, we had to work extra hard to uncover the truth. 

Best Undergraduate Colleges for Future Professors

We often hear students talk about wanting to go into education or becoming a teacher, but it isn’t as common to hear the word “professor” come out of their mouths. There isn’t a precise academic program for aspiring future professors at the undergraduate level, but it is a 10+ year plan from starting the first day of your freshman year of college to being qualified to be a full-time professor at a four-year college or university. In order to become a professor, you’ll need a bachelors and a graduate degree like a master’s at the very minimum. In order to be a full-time professor at a four-year college, you’ll need a doctorate degree too. And the more prestigious the school, the more they expect you to have on your resume.

Best Math Undergraduate Schools

If you’re a bit of a math nerd, you may want to consider majoring in it in college. Math is a major that is focused and deep, but also widely applicable to a huge number of fields from teaching to start-ups. If you are interested in majoring in math, it’s important to know that math isn’t just math. There is pure math, which is math for math’s sake, applied math, which is math with applications front of mind, like engineering, business, or medicine — and those are just the two biggest buckets.  

Best Colleges for Translation

You may have used a translator before while on a trip or watched a show in a foreign language with translated subtitles. You’ve likely read books that were translated (actually, you certainly have: the Bible, The Odyssey, etc.), and listened to music where the singer sings in two languages, translating themselves for listeners of multiple cultures and communities. In today’s global society, translation is all around us, and yet it’s rare that we pause to reflect on how the act of translation happened.

Best Applied Math Undergraduate Programs

Applied math is not simply math. Math as a whole is not just math. At the collegiate level, math can be broken up into a bunch of types but there are two big buckets: pure math and applied math. Pure math is math for the sake of math. It’s beautiful and it’s amazing, but it isn’t really focused on how that math can be applied. Applied math is focused heavily on the application of math, which shouldn’t be surprising given the name.

Best Colleges for Leadership

What do we mean by ‘leadership’ when talking about college? Is it an academic track? Or an extracurricular program? Or a role you step into? Much of the time, it’s all of the above. Leaders aren’t born, they are made — and the 10 colleges we’ve listed below want to turn their students into leaders and are putting in the time to make it happen. From majors to certificates to summer programs, these schools go above and beyond to produce effective and ethical leaders who will go on to shape the communities, companies, and organizations they work in.