If you’re a bit of a math nerd, you may want to consider majoring in it in college. Math is a major that is focused and deep, but also widely applicable to a huge number of fields from teaching to start-ups. If you are interested in majoring in math, it’s important to know that math isn’t just math. There is pure math, which is math for math’s sake, applied math, which is math with applications front of mind, like engineering, business, or medicine — and those are just the two biggest buckets.
Many of the top math colleges are also top STEM colleges, which means they are also some of the best colleges in the United States. While you will learn the same basic curriculum at a top college as at a lower-tier college, your access to opportunities like internships and research positions will be drastically different. In order to earn your spot at one of the top schools, you should take the hardest math courses you can while in high school. Oh, and you should also email us.
If you are trying to get into one of the best schools for your prospective major, send us an email. We help students chart a course for success.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts
MIT offers one of the best mathematics programs in the world, and there are : General Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, or Mathematics with Computer Science. There is also a computer science and math degree that is for those who already know they want to apply their math skills to the world of computers. They approach math as “a language and tools for understanding the physical world around us and the abstract world within us,” and offer students numerous avenues for exploration of the field.
Stanford University Stanford, California
The at Stanford is in the School of Humanities & Sciences, and the university encourages students to “keep in mind that mathematics is a way of thinking, not a single career.” Prospective math majors are required to take to determine placement, regardless of AP course credits, and students can earn additional credits by taking part in the Putnam Competition, an annual math contest at Stanford each December.
Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey
Princeton says that is one of the most flexible majors at the university, and it can be customized to fit the interests of students whether they skew towards applied mathematics and pure mathematics. The program also supports study abroad, and students have completed programs in England, France, Germany, and even Budapest, Hungary. There are numerous that are available for students, and there is even funding available for independent research.
Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts
The concentration in at Harvard covers the three main branches of math: analysis, algebra, and geometry. Students from minority backgrounds can access the , which was designed to support first-year students going into STEM, and all students have access to the . Math can be applied as a “secondary field” to another concentration, and top-performing undergraduates can be hired as course assistants (CAs) who help with grading and office hours.
University of Washington Seattle Seattle, Washington
Students at the University of Washington in Seattle have access to . There is the “Standard Option,” a BA in math for students who want a versatile major, and the BS version of this track is an even more technical route. The “Philosophy Option” is a BA that combines math and philosophy, and the “Teacher Preparation Option,” is ideal for students interested in teaching at the middle or high school level. Most students in this program go on to earn a Master’s in Teaching.
Columbia University New York, New York
The Major in Mathematics at Columbia is known best for the community that supports the Ivy League department. The hosts a lively lecture series, and there are two annual cash prizes for exceptional students. There are also lots of undergraduate , and four joint majors. Students can also access four joint majors in partnership with other departments: Computer Science-Mathematics, Economics-Mathematics, Mathematics-Statistics, and Applied Mathematics
University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
Mathematics is a at the University of Chicago, and students can access Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science majors as well as a BS in applied math or a BS in mathematics with a specialization in economics. The , or Research Experience for Undergraduates, has been a leader in the field for over 20 years. The REU is one of the largest undergraduate research programs in the country, and offers students impressive opportunities throughout their experience at the university.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
The math program at the University of Michigan is in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, which has broad that guarantee that students graduate with a well-rounded understanding of the world. are available in Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences, Actuarial Mathematics, Mathematics of Finance and Risk Management, as well as an honors and a teaching certificate path. The actuarial math program is really quite unique among top-tier universities in STEM, and is aimed at students who want to go into the “operations of private and social insurance and employee benefit plans”
Texas A&M University College Station College Station, Texas
Texas A&M offers in math, a BS in Applied Mathematical Sciences, BA in Mathematics, BS in Mathematics, and a combined baccalaureate/graduate degree program. Students pursuing the BS in applied math have access to courses in economics, engineering, and computer science, and any of the degree paths can also be combined with a teaching certification — making Texas A&M a perfect fit for prospective teachers.
As you work towards an acceptance to your dream school, remember that you need to excel in math at the highest level you can while still in high school. Pushing yourself before college shows schools that you’ll be able to cut it on campus.
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