Hey, future political science major! As you may know (or if you don’t, just trust us on this one), political science is one of the most popular and, therefore, one of the most competitive prospective majors for college applicants. So, if you think you want to study poli sci in college, you need to take some steps to make your application stands out among all the other poli sci hopefuls. Whether you’re looking to become a future senator or lawyer or lobbyist, your first step is building an amazing college application.
10th Grade Strategy for Political Science
9th Grade College Strategy for Political Science
There aren’t a lot of topics as popular with high school students as political science. We don’t know if it’s the idea that one day you could roam the halls of power or your fascination with why politics makes people act the way they do, but we hear from freshmen all the time who are passionate about poli sci and want to get a jump on the college process.
11th Grade College Strategy for Political Science Majors
Do you love The West Wing? Or maybe you’re more of a Veep type. Either way, you’re drawn to politics and want to study it in college. Political science offers several high-profile career paths, from serving your country as a politician to being a lawyer. Whether your goal is law school or shaking up the political arena, you have to start by getting a poli sci degree. And if you’re here, you probably know (or should know) that poli sci is one of the most competitive majors at top-tier schools – it’s one of the most popular non-STEM major at most colleges!
9th Grade Summer Plans: Politics Major Edition
Hello to the future policymakers, society shapers, and public-sector groovers and shakers who have found their way here. If you’re reading this, odds are you want to go into politics — maybe you’ll get a government or political science degree, or maybe you’ll go the philosophy and social work academic track and approach governance from a more creative path.
9th Grade Summer Plans: Political Science Major Edition
We hear from a lot of future political science majors early in high school. Maybe you’ve discovered your love of policy, diplomacy, and large-scale problem-solving by watching History Channel documentaries or dabbling in Model UN. Either way, the good news is that, as early as the summer after freshman year, you can start nurturing your poli-sci passion and building up your resume for a competitive edge on college applications.
Best Political Science Extracurricular Activities for High School Students
Joe Biden. Communism. Republicans. These words may send everyone around you into a tizzy, but you’re more interested in why they make people’s heads spin. You’re here because you want to study political science in college, obvi, but maybe you don’t know where to start. That’s fine, because we’re here. And we’re gonna tell you exactly what to do.
Best Extracurriculars for Prospective Political Science Majors
Political science is, of course, the study of the science of politics, but not science like the biology kind. Instead, students in political science programs study the way governments, public policy, and the political world in general work from both a technical perspective and a more humanities-minded perspective. Students who major in political science often go on to work in policy analysis, for government agencies, as political consultants, and basically any field that interfaces with politics or government in any way.
Best Undergraduate Colleges for Capitol Hill Internships
Ah, the Hill. One of the most competitive professional playgrounds in the country. And there’s definitely an advantage to going to school in D.C. itself where you can rub shoulders with would-be employers. But it’s also important to keep in mind that the Hill represents Americans from every state, opening doors for exemplary students across the country to dive right in. However, it’s definitely best suited for those with thick skin and impressive resumes. For those who know they’re destined for a path in politics, check out these schools:
Extracurriculars Activities: Political Science
Okay, so you think you want to study political science but you have no idea where to start. That’s totally fine. However, don’t wait until the last minute to get started on developing this interest. Colleges want to see you become as expert as you can in your interest area before you start studying–they like to see proof that you’re committed to your academic interests.
10 Best Undergraduate Schools for Public Policy
If you care about affecting the issues in the United States (and there are plenty to choose from) public policy might be a good academic path for you. The major or area of study looks different at different schools, but the broad strokes idea is students in the public policy disciplines will look at how to solve problems through, well, policy. Students with a degree of focus in public policy often go on to work in government, politics, and non-profits. If you are someone who watches the news every night and has ideas about how to get regulate corporate carbon footprints, public policy might be the right trajectory for you.
Top Ten Summer Politics and Political Science Programs 2022
If you’re interested in politics or a political science major, attending a summer program centered on these topics can help you show colleges just how much you care about politics. A summer program is also a great way to meet new people and push your comfort zone–many of these programs are on-site, so you can even get a feel for what it’s like to live at a college.