

9th Grade Summer Plans: Finance Major Edition

If you’ve been following our 9th Grade Summer Plans series on the blog, you probably realize that this is our third post on a seemingly related course of study after Business and Economics. Do we really need another, you might ask? Well, yes, actually, unless you want to be responsible for the next Big Short. Some of you were born during the mortgage crisis of 2005 (congrats), and we don’t want to test our luck here.

Impressive High School Internships in Finance

Applying to colleges can be a big task. These days, with Ivy League schools (and even non-Ivies!) boasting single-digit acceptance rates, it can feel challenging to get ahead of the competition. Internships are a great opportunity to build something meaningful on your resume. But we recommend against going for a major company everyone’s heard of.

Best Colleges if you Want to be a Banker

If you’re considering a career in finance, you don’t need a degree in finance, economics, or banking — but having one will help you skip a few rungs of the ladder after graduation. Majoring in a finance topic will give you priority for internships and you’ll be an early pick in interviews. This is for two reasons. First, you’ll have the book smarts for the job. Perhaps even more importantly, being on a finance track will put you on the path of the types of people you need to build relationships with to succeed in finance professional. Being a banker is all about relationships, and it’s never too early to start building the right ones.

Best Undergraduate Colleges for Investment Banking Jobs

Investment Banking is a great path for those who want one thing: intellectually stimulating work money. It’s not the right industry for everyone, but those that want to pursue it tend to be hungry and ready to do what it takes. We conducted a Linkedin search of current employees at the top banks in the country and searched by school to see which ones were top feeders to each. (*Disclaimer: employees appeared in our search if they had the school name on their profile. It’s possible some attended graduate school or even received certifications.)

Best Undergraduate Colleges for Investment Banking Internships

If you’re someone who knows at the age of 17 that they are dead set on making a lot of money, investment banking is probably a good path for you. But it’s not for the faint of heart. Being a first-year analyst at a major bank can be beyond grueling and many people burn out or decide they’re unfulfilled along the way. Those who stick it out are rewarded in ~dividends.~ So, if you’re looking forward to the luxurious life, you might want to consider applying to one of these schools that feed some of the nation’s most competitive I-Banking internships.