

Impressive High School Internships in the Medical Field

We often hammer home to our students the importance of developing an academic area of expertise throughout high school. How we find students set themselves apart in a highly competitive landscape is to develop a super-specific niche that’s reflected in the elective classes you take, the extracurriculars in which you participate, your summer plans.

What Classes Should I Take in High School to Become a Surgeon?

We love students who know what they want to do early. It takes a lot of steps to become a surgeon. Medical school is the largest part, and while that won’t be for several years (usually, we assume you aren’t a Doogie Houser or anything), there are steps you can take now to help you on your journey. Med school is competitive and going to a great school as an undergrad can help you get into the program of your dreams. TL;DR: Taking the right classes in high school can help you get into college which will help you get into med school. Colleges are looking for applicants who have good background knowledge and skills in their hopeful field. Let’s break down what classes are great choices to take for hopeful surgeons.

What Classes Should I Take in High School to Become a Doctor?

Being a doctor is the goal for a lot of students. We work with pre-meds every year and they are some of the most serious and prepared students out there. While very few colleges have a specific pre-med major, pre-meds often gravitate to top-tier schools to study topics like Biology, Biochemistry, Neurobiology, and Physical sciences. Hopeful doctors should be taking classes not only to make themselves competitive college applicants but ones that will help them later on in their careers. Let’s go over the high school classes that we recommend for hopeful doctors.

Best Liberal Arts Schools for Pre-Med Students

If you’re considering a pre-med major or track of study, attending a liberal arts school is a great decision. Liberal Arts schools have smaller class sizes and will allow you to really get to know your professors–which is important for your learning and those letters of recommendation you’ll need. Let’s take a look at some of the best Liberal Arts schools for all you budding doctors.

10 Best Summer Pre-Med or Medical Programs

If you’re wondering what to do this upcoming summer, attending a pre-college program focused on medicine can be a great way to show colleges how passionate you are about pursuing a pre-med major. Many of these programs are in-person, and offer opportunities to meet students from different backgrounds and live in a college environment while in high school.

The Pros and Cons of Being Pre-Med at a Liberal Arts School:

While it’s true that biology, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, and chemistry still top the list of the most popular majors for students who are pre-med, it’s also entirely possible to graduate with an undergraduate degree in the humanities, take the MCAT, and then attend medical school. Another option is to study STEM at a liberal arts school, and then follow the same path. We’ve found that most people think that pre-med students are better off at large research universities. This blog post will detail the pros and cons of attending a liberal arts college if medical school is your ultimate goal.

Ten Best Colleges for Pre-Med Students

If you’re serious about becoming a doctor you probably don’t need us to tell you what you’re up against. Getting into med school is not easy, and it’s important to pick an undergraduate program that sets you up for success. Generally speaking, you want to look for colleges with pre-med advising, clinical and research opportunities, and high percentages of students who ~actually~ get into med school. You can throw those buzz words into google (in fact, you definitely should) but our list is a good place to start.