
Best and Unique Biology Major Extracurricular Activities

From people to cells to plants to sea animals, if you're fascinated by how living creatures work, then biology might just be your perfect major. The world of biology is vast and can take you from researching in a lab to studying people and animals across the globe. Whether you're discovering new species or identifying unknown diseases, you know you want to study bio, but you don’t know where to start.

We help biology students find their niche all the time, whether you're a freshman figuring out how to prep for college or a junior deciding which schools to apply to. If you want to make the most of it, we're here to guide you—and the best way to start is by finding your niche in the incredible (and very broad) field of biology.

“So… What’s a Niche?”

Excellent question, thanks for asking. When we talk about a niche, we're referring to a specialty within your chosen major. This is super important because, first, it helps you focus on what really excites you, and second, it sets you apart as an expert in your field when admissions counselors look at your application.

You might also ask, "How do I find my niche?" Another great question—you’re really on fire today. Figuring out your niche is the first thing we set off to do with students who start working with us. Usually, it's a conversation where we chat about what you enjoy studying, then narrow it down from there. For instance, a prospective biology student might love studying animals and grew up near the coast or a big river, so aquatic biology could be their thing. After lots of exploration (which we will discuss), we might help them focus on a specific region like the Eastern United States and the Mississippi River, which makes them realize they’re actually more interested in studying freshwater life (which is called limnology, fun fact). The Limnology of the Eastern U.S.—that’s your niche!

“What Should I Do When I’ve Decided On My Niche?”

The big thing about finding your niche is gaining some solid experience and knowledge in that area before applying to colleges. Admissions counselors love seeing students who have put in the effort to pursue their academic passions. If two students were applying to Johns Hopkins, should the academic counselor accept the student with a 4.0 GPA in high school or one with the same GPA but also started the ecology club at school, led river cleanups, had a summer internship at a local college’s biology lab, and published biology research? Prob the second one. We're firm believers in being overqualified.

Once our students settle on their niches, we help them explore local and online opportunities to deepen their knowledge. This could mean joining a science club at school, landing a summer internship at a local hospital or wildlife refuge, or even diving into an online course or virtual research project. There are endless options, and we know how to help you find the best fit so you can get a leg up on the competition!

“What Should I Do With My Niche?”

Actually doing something with your niche is the most crucial part of the entire process. Having knowledge and experience is fantastic, but actually applying what you've learned in creative and impactful ways is what really makes your college application stand out. Just imagine how impressed an admissions counselor would be to read that you've already had a research study published or that you took a biology research project to the state or national science fair!

Channeling your niche into independent projects is one of the biggest things we help our students accomplish in high school. For an aspiring biology student, that might mean crushing it in a biology competition or science fair. And if you're feeling extra ambitious, there are plenty of science journals that accept submissions from high school students. So, if you've always been curious about something biology-related, why not do some research, write up your findings, and submit them? Past students have done everything from research with a professor to developing their own biomedical devices. The sky's the limit, and we're here to make sure you have the best opportunities possible to show off what you've learned.

Having a niche is crucial as a high schooler because it helps you focus your energy on the things that will get you into college. Putting your effort into your specialization will definitely catch the eyes of admissions counselors and boost your chances of snagging a spot at the school of your dreams. We help students figure out how to explore and showcase their interest in their niche every year, and we'd love to do the same for you!

Having trouble figuring out what to do with your academic passions? Reach out to us, we’re professionals at helping students thrive in their niches.