
Best and Unique History Major Extracurricular Activities

So, you’ve decided that uncovering the mysteries of the past is your thing. Nice! History is an amazing major to study in college and can lead to various exciting paths like academia, teaching, archaeology, or even as a foundation for law or business school. No matter which history-related direction you choose, the best thing you can do right now is give yourself an edge.

We recommend several strategies to boost your chances of admission to your target schools, but one of the most important is choosing a niche. A niche is a specific area within your major that you become an expert in, showcasing your passion and expertise to colleges. Let’s dive into the concept of niches to help you understand it better.

Why do I need a niche, And how do I build it?

Niches are crucial because they demonstrate your skill and commitment to your major. Having expertise in a specific area makes you stand out as more competent and high-achieving than other students who only have a general understanding of their desired major. So, picking a niche not only boosts your chances of getting into your fave colleges but also lets you focus on something you genuinely enjoy.

Choosing a niche is one of the first steps we help students with when they start working with us. Let’s walk through the process together! Imagine Melody, our example student, decides she wants to be a history major but loves a few various aspects of it. After chatting with her, she realizes she’s probably most drawn to European history since there are a lot of different countries and themes to look at there. With our guidance, she researches and discovers she’s particularly interested in the Middle Ages and the War of the Roses. Her fascination with that specific war becomes her niche, allowing her to focus her time and effort on becoming an expert in that area.

So, I have my niche… what’s next?

Once you’ve decided on your niche, the next step is to start becoming an expert in it. It’s crucial to add some substance to your college application so admissions counselors take you seriously when you mention your niche. Having specific academic interests is great, but without knowledge and skills to back it up, it doesn’t carry much weight. This is a crucial step because if you don’t actually put effort into your niche, you’re not much different from students who just took a bunch of AP history classes. A great way to start is by exploring your in-school extracurriculars.

If your school has history-minded clubs, you should join them. Or start them! You could also start specific clubs focused on your interests, like an Archaeology Club or a Medieval History Society. Explore these in-school options before branching out into your community. Local libraries and museums can offer great opportunities to dive into your history interests while learning from professionals in the field. Who knows, these experiences could pave the way for you to become a museum archivist at the Smithsonian or a renowned historian someday!

Anything else I need to do?

The most important part of becoming an expert in your niche is proving your commitment to colleges. You need a combination of knowledge, skills, and passion for your niche to make the biggest impact. Demonstrating that you’re all-in on your niche is crucial. We usually recommend that students develop unique ways to showcase their niche that colleges haven’t seen before, so let’s explore some ideas.

We help our students complete independent projects that are not only unique but also enjoyable. For this article, we'll keep it a bit more generic. Consider conducting research and getting articles or even an e-book about your niche published. There are many companies that help high school students publish their work, and this looks fantastic on a college application. If publishing isn't your thing, get involved with nonprofits or museums related to your niche. Many offer summer programs where you can work with professionals in the field who share your interests. It’s a great way to make connections and gain experience!

What’s the tl;dr?

We help students get into their dream schools every year, so trust us when we say that niches are a game-changer for boosting your chances of admission. Pick your niche sooner rather than later, so you have time to become an expert and work on some independent projects. Remember, this should be about something you love, so make sure you approach it in a way that’s fun for you! Now, get out there and make history! (get it??)

Confused about how to build skills and knowledge related to your niche? , we’re great at helping students realize their potential.