From people to cells to plants to sea animals, if you're fascinated by how living creatures work, then biology might just be your perfect major. The world of biology is vast and can take you from researching in a lab to studying people and animals across the globe. Whether you're discovering new species or identifying unknown diseases, you know you want to study bio, but you don’t know where to start.
9th Grade College Strategy for Biology
Dream of becoming a doctor? A vet? A marine biologist? Or maybe you’re like, really into bugs. Or just really, really love Grey’s Anatomy. If you’re here, you’re most likely a) a freshman in high school and b) maybe interested in studying biology in college. Thankfully, we’re here, and we can help!
11th Grade College Strategy For Biology
From pursuing life-saving cancer research to studying tiny organisms, biology is an extremely broad subject. Because biology is such a diverse field that encompasses so much, it attracts a lot of attention from students. Whether you are considering a pre-med track with the goal of going to medical school or just want to spend time outside studying bugs (or marine life, or perhaps a variety of mosses), biology might be the major for you.
10th Grade College Strategy for Biology
If you dream of becoming a doctor or the next Darwin, Pasteur, or Mendel, you’re probably at least a little bit interested in biology. Maybe you just know that you’re interested in STEM and want to explore biology or some other STEMy topics a little bit more before you commit. You have come to the right place because we are going to discuss how to explore your potential major as a sophomore.
11th Grade College Strategy for Biology
From cancer research to developing new medical treatments, biology is an extremely broad subject to consider majoring in as a prospective college student. Because it’s such an open-ended topic, it attracts a lot of attention from high school students who are trying to decide what they want to study in college. From wanting to go to medical school to doing research on new diseases, the possibilities for a biology student are endless.
9th Grade Summer Plans: Biology Major Edition
You’ve heard about the birds and the bees, but what about the biomes and the black holes? Sorry if that opener was misleading — we’re not talking about the reproductive cycle of the void today (although hold up while we file this away for future presentations #WelcomeToMyTedTalk). The point is there’s a lot more to ~the study of life~ than you’ve got time to cover in AP Bio. Whether you’re studying abyssery and starlight in astrobiology or learning about infectious diseases in microbiology, you’re falling under the biology umbrella in one way or another.
How to Get Into Undergrad Biology
THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL!! If this rallying cry excites you (instead of triggering fearful flashbacks to middle school science), then you’re in the right place. You've set your sights on pursuing a biology major in college, but you might be feeling a bit uncertain about where to kickstart your journey. We got you.
How to Build Out Your Extracurriculars for Biology
Best Undergraduate Colleges for Botany
Best Online Summer Courses 2020 for High School Students Interested in Biology
We’ve written about the benefit of enrolling in online courses in the past. We’ve always known that colleges care about how you spend your free time, and that is especially true in the age of Coronavirus. If you take a look at how you’re spending your days during this new normal, we’re willing to bet that you could allocate a few of those hours you spend learning Tik Tok dances to advancing your skillset. Start by thinking about what you enjoy learning about when no one is forcing you to do so. If the answer to that question is biology, this blog post is for you. Below you’ll find a few of our favorite biology courses that are being offered online right now, meaning that you can sign up today.