

How to Get Into College With Bad Grades

We receive a lot of questions from parents and students alike that have to do with GPA, grades, scores, school choice, and likelihood of admission. What everyone really wants to know, though, is this: can my kid get into his dream school if he has less than stellar grades/scores? Let’s not beat around the bush. The answer is: YES. But there are some caveats to that yes, so read on.

Are My Grades Good Enough for the Ivy League?

Ah! The Ivy League! There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States, hundreds of which are highly respected, and dozens of which are completely outstanding. And yet, there are eight schools that capture the imagination more than almost any others - the Ivy League. Just the fact that you can refer them as a singular unit says something. There are children who are raised from birth to go to an Ivy League school, but wanting to get into one of the top (and most popular) schools in the country isn’t enough to get you that acceptance letter. You also actually have to be qualified.