We get it. The college admissions game can put a lot of pressure on you to spill your guts about your most impactful traumas and experiences in your Common App essay. While some students may genuinely wish to tell their story, many more feel compelled to do so merely because they think they have to. So, we started a series on how to tackle those big topics in your Common App essay, and now we’re talking about how to write a Common App essay about having a parent in jail. First, if you find yourself in this situation, we hope you’re doing okay, and we understand the difficulties and uncertainties you must face. We genuinely hope that you have access to support, that you are coping well, and that your well-being is being prioritized. If you need help writing this essay, please reach out here.
How to Write the Additional Information Section of the Common App
What Goes in the Additional Information Section of the Common App?
There are 24 subsections of the Common App, not including the dozens of other ones within the specific college apps themselves. Thankfully, most of them are straightforward, like activities, grades, testing, demographic data, etc. However, there is one section that seems to trip up even the most resolute high-achieving high school student: the additional information section.
When to Use the Additional Information Section of the Common App
If you are already looking through the common app, first off--we love that for you, you probably have seen the section called “Additional information.” It’s the final section and honestly, many students don’t even need to open it. While you might not use it, it’s helpful to know what it is and what it’s all about. That’s where this blog comes in.
Common Application Essay Question About the Coronavirus/COVID-19
On May 12th, that the 2020-2021 Common App application would be different. In addition to the standard Additional Information section, there will be an additional optional 250-word question focused on COVID-19. We think this is a very important and necessary move to make the college application process fairer. All students are dealing with extraordinary circumstances, and many need room to explain how their situation is particularly trying.
The Additional Information Section of the Common App
Based on conversations that we’ve had with our clients and email submissions from our blog readers, there seems to be some confusion about the intended use of the additional information section on the common app website. Let us start by saying that this blog post will give you guidelines as to what should and should not be included in this section, but we don’t know your life. You should use your best judgment, but before you start writing make sure you’re not just capitalizing on the extra space because you ran out of words elsewhere.
Should I Write About Health Issues in my Common App Essay?
Dealing with health issues is unfortunately sometimes part of life and certainly nothing to be ashamed about. If you are suffering (or have suffered) from a serious illness or ailment, physical or mental, then it has probably had a considerable impact on your life. If that’s that case, then you should let the colleges you’re applying to know.
Successful Common App Essays About Failure
Humility, self-awareness, and a sense of humor. These are all traits applicants should seek to convey in their college essays, and essays about failure are a great vehicle for doing so. Students are sometimes hesitant to highlight failures. After all, isn’t the objective to cultivate and showcase a cluster of assets on the application? In short, the answer is ‘yes.’ However, highlighting a weakness, if done properly, can also mean underscoring growth, as well as an ability to think critically and learn from past mistakes. Simply put, it’s humanizing.
How to Get Into College With Bad Grades
We receive a lot of questions from parents and students alike that have to do with GPA, grades, scores, school choice, and likelihood of admission. What everyone really wants to know, though, is this: can my kid get into his dream school if he has less than stellar grades/scores? Let’s not beat around the bush. The answer is: YES. But there are some caveats to that yes, so read on.
Do's and Don'ts of the Additional Information Section
Let’s continue our journey investigating the ins and outs of the Additional Information section of The Common App. To review: the Additional Information section is a section that every applicant can find a use for. Its purpose is to give you a space to elaborate upon parts of yourself that you think an admissions reader should know that you did not have room for elsewhere in the application.
What is the Additional Information Section of the Common App for?
The elusive Additional Information section on The Common Application isn’t something that is often talked about, so we’re going to break it down for you. This is the beginning of a series on the Additional Information section where we’ll go in-depth on why it’s there, how to use it to your advantage, and how not to use it. Let’s start with the basics: