
super scoring

Which Colleges SuperScore the ACT and SAT?

So you invested so much energy studying for the math section of the ACT that your Reading score went down, huh? If only you could be evaluated based on your Reading score from the first time you took the ACT AND the math score you just got on your most recent ACT. You can. No worries. Super score to the rescue. As a reminder, . Brush up on your knowledge and familiarize yourself with what it is. It's a great offering that many colleges have during the application process that maximizes your profile. That said, Super Scoring isn't something that every college does.

What Is Super Scoring?

Your test scores are a significant and important component of your college application. Whether you take the ACT, SAT, and regardless of which SAT IIs you choose to take, you will more likely than not take your exams more than once in an effort to improve your score. Oftentimes the sections that improve during one sitting aren’t the same as the sections that improve during your next sitting.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could take one section that you scored super well in from one sitting and pair it with another strong section from a different sitting? That, our friends, is called supers coring, and some colleges are fine with it.