

College Advisor for High School Students with Executive Dysfunction or Executive Functioning Disorder

Executive dysfunction, sometimes called executive functioning disorder, is not typically a standalone diagnosis, but rather a set of symptoms that go along with many different mental and physical illnesses. Executive dysfunction is often thought of as a byproduct of ADHD, but it is also seen in kids with depression, anxiety, autism, epilepsy, MS, and kids with repeated concussions and head injuries. What exactly causes executive dysfunction varies, but the impact on students is the same.

Best Colleges for Autistic students

Neurodiverse students deserve to go to college. If you want to go to college, you should. However, if you are autistic, you might want to find a school with a specialized program that can better support your integration into college life. Many autistic students decide they don’t need this and that’s fine too. But if you are nervous about college and want a college that has a program for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, we wanted to compile a list of your best options.