

Best Colleges for Creative Writing and Film

There are some majors that you can pretty well count on at nearly any college: Biology, Math, English, History, and a smattering of foreign languages, to name a few. But there are other subjects that you can’t necessarily expect to have as options, and we aren’t talking about Underwater Basket Weaving. Creative Writing is one of those majors that students expect to see as an option in college, but that is actually a rare one. Film, too, is one of those subjects that you need to make sure is an option at your prospective colleges if you are even considering pursuing it. Not having access to your preferred major is one of the top reasons for transferring, and that could generally have been avoided with proper research and planning during the application process.

Best Undergraduate Schools for Film

If you want to work in film, pack your bags baby, because you are going to Hollywood! Well, at least you are in 4 years after you learn the ropes by getting a film degree. There are top film programs across the US, but you will most likely end up in California, New York, or surprisingly enough, Boston. When looking for a film degree, it’s important to think about what made you interested in film as well as what kind of school you want to go to. From big universities to art schools, to liberal arts colleges, many have film programs that have specific specializations. If you don’t know where to start, we suggest these top 10 undergrad programs for film:

10 Best Summer Film Programs 

If you’re interested in a film major—or just movies in general—a summer pre-college program focused on film and the entertainment industry is a great way to get an introduction to the business. These summer programs can help you show colleges just how interested you are in film. Precollege programs also give you a preview of college life—you can live on your own and meet students from all walks of life.