If you want to get into the engineering school of your dreams, you are going to have to show you are serious about engineering and that you have some math and science chops. Elite engineering programs are competitive. Taking the right classes will help your application compete. So what classes should you be taking in high school if you are engineering school bound? Let’s break it down.
How Will the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Advanced Placement (AP) Courses and Tests?
It’s Monday, many schools across the country are out for the next three or more weeks across the country, and this is just the beginning. Over the next few weeks, teachers will be working on designing and implementing remote learning. Still, there is sure to be a steep learning curve that isn’t helped along by the fact that . With so much up in the air, it’s hard to guess what will come next, but it is entirely possible that schools will not invite their students back onto campus until fall. Yes, fall.
What Classes Should I Take Junior Year of High School?
We get a lot of questions about which classes kids should take senior year. Somewhat surprisingly, this can be a contentious topic. While we always want to encourage our students to follow their hearts, junior year can be make-or-break and your course load and schedule are crucial components. We have a bit of advice for students who are really grappling with the potential academic paths ahead: keep trucking along.
What Classes Should I Take Freshman Year of High School?
We sometimes work with families as early as , but oftentimes we don’t start working with them until after they’ve begun their freshman year. This means that they’ve already selected and started their classes. is a big task that we tackle with each and every one of our students, and because we often miss out on this process with 9th graders, we wanted to clue every rising freshman (and their parents, who we’re going to assume are reading this right now. Hi.) in on some considerations to have when you’re making your class selections.
What to Do If Your High School Doesn't Have AP/IB Classes
What Classes Should I take as a Junior in High School?
When it comes to picking classes for junior year (and all years, really) it’s important to keep in mind that you’re positioning yourself to apply to college. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for an admissions counselor to discern what you want to major in and what your academic interests are. You’re painting a picture of who you are, and your class list is one of the ways to showcase your talents and interests.
How to Choose Your 12th Grade Science Class
Will Taking Harder Classes (honors, AP, advanced, IB) Help me get into Top Schools?
We receive dozens of the same questions during every single application season. They range from questions about testing, grades, time management, and class selection, but we want to make sure that you know we hear you. Every time you email us, we reply to each individualized question. But in order to make this knowledge as accessible as possible, we’ve started to address these questions in the public forum () so that you can understand our stance on the hot topics of college applications. Let’s get started with a question that plagues every single student around this time of year as they’re selecting classes for next year: “Should I take the AP class?”
What Tests Do I Need to Take for Undergraduate Admission to a Top School?
Testing is a big part of your high school academic experience the college application process. From figuring out which standardized tests to take to determining AP testing, regional state required exams, as well as your midterms and finals, there’s a lot to balance. It’s not just you; it can be overwhelming for everyone. Let us break it down for you: