
9th Grade College Strategy for Data Science

Numbers! Stats! Data! Et cetera! Are you intrigued by the world of data science? Perhaps you envision yourself as a master of algorithms, diving deep into datasets with precision and finesse. Or maybe you're captivated by how data shapes our understanding of the world, seeing patterns emerge in the sea of information. Whether you're drawn to the possibilities of machine learning or just can't get enough of data visualization, we're here to guide you! Because if you're a freshman in high school with a curiosity about data science, you're in the right place.

You might be thinking, "I'm not even sure if I like data science yet. Also, I'm only a freshman—I don’t think I have to worry about college yet." Okay, don’t get sassy with us, we’re trying to help. Look, it's never too early to start thinking about college, because every day of high school, starting from your freshman year, matters to colleges. And as for the question of whether data science is your calling, don't worry—that's why we're here.

When we work with 9th graders, our main focus is on planning their summers (and more on that later). But we also encourage independent exploration of your interests! That way, when you start working with us sophomore year, you'll be ready to jump into the full college prep game.

Explore What You’re Interested In

Data science is seriously hot at top-tier colleges (seriously, it's everywhere), making it a real battleground. It's not just about crunching numbers—it's a whole world of cool stuff, from machine learning to data visualization to artificial intelligence. When you're applying to college as a data science fan, just saying "data science" won't cut it. You've gotta dig deeper to find your groove in this vast field.

When we're planning for the summer ahead, it's crucial for us to understand what excites you about data science. Maybe it was a really cool coding project you did in class that made you realize how much you love solving problems with code. Or perhaps you were fascinated by a simple data analysis task you tackled and discovered the power of numbers in understanding the world around you. Or maybe you've been thinking about how you could use data to tackle a real-world issue that's important to you, like climate change or social justice. Or you’ve just loved learning SQL on your own! Whatever it is that sparks your interest, we're here to help you explore it further. By asking the right questions, we can guide you towards opportunities that align with your interests and aspirations in data science. So, let's embark on this journey together—these questions aren't just about summer plans, but about discovering where your passion for data science can take you.

Our long-term goal is to help you find your niche—a hyper-specific area within the vast world of data science that you can totally geek out over. Imagine this: you're drawn to data science because you're fascinated by the magic of machine learning, or maybe you've got a knack for visualizing complex datasets. Your focus might lean towards natural language processing, diving into the world of text analysis, or perhaps you're captivated by the intersection of data science and healthcare innovation. That's where your niche is.

And don’t worry! Because you don't have to have it all figured out today – discovering your niche takes time, sometimes years. But you know what? You won't find your niche if you don't start exploring. So, as a budding data science enthusiast, dive into books and classes that spark your curiosity. Pay attention to what gets your brain buzzing as you delve into introductory courses and intro to data science books. Data and comp science are big topics in the news right now, so you should stay on top of any relevant current events, too.

Do Well in School

Some people think that your freshman year grades don't really count, especially if you improve with each passing year. No!! Wrong! Who keeps telling you this??? Let's clear this up—colleges are keeping an eye on you from day one of high school. They want to see you ace your classes and tackle the toughest ones your school has to offer, right from the get-go. If you have top-tier colleges in your sights, you absolutely need all As for all four years.

We understand that adjusting to high school can be tough. You're adjusting to a new school environment or maybe diving headfirst into challenging AP courses as a freshman. If you're already feeling the pressure, it's time to take action. Reach out to your teachers, team up with classmates for study sessions, and maybe even consider getting extra help from a tutor. One big thing you can do right now? Focus on improving your study skills because they'll be super valuable down the road. The bottom line is that you shouldn't hesitate to ask for assistance when you need it.


Alright, so as a freshman, you might not have a ton of class options yet. Maybe you can't jump into AP Comp Sci or advanced programming courses just yet, but guess what? You can start exploring your interests (even ones outside of data science!) through extracurriculars. And trust us, it's worth it. Sometimes, we see students join us in sophomore or junior year without any extracurriculars related to their intended major on their resume, and while we can help them add things to the mix, it’s always a lot easier and better for you if you’ve already started engaging with extracurriculars you like.

But fear not! There's a bunch of stuff you can do if you're considering data science, both in and outside of school. You could start a data analysis club, participate in coding competitions, or work on independent data science projects. There’s data in everything, so you could create data visualizations of your favorite TV shows, or run some complex analysis on past Survivor seasons. You can (and totally should) read up on data science concepts and work on coding projects in your free time, and you might even want to showcase your work on platforms like GitHub. You can volunteer at local organizations or help teach coding and data analysis to younger students. There are heaps of things to explore — you just gotta dive in and give 'em a shot!

Summer Plans

Planning your summer is our specialty. At 91Ě˝»¨, we're dedicated to helping students uncover their passion for data science and then connecting them with summer opportunities to delve deeper into the field.

Summer—the ultimate stretch of uninterrupted time in your school-aged calendar! While you might prefer to lounge on a couch or by the pool, that isn’t the smartest way to spend your time (and if you’re here, you probably know that and want to do something valuable instead!)

So, how do you unlock in-depth data science experience over the summer? For freshmen, we love exploring summer programs. There are pre-college programs at top-tier universities like UCLA, Harvard, UPenn, Brown, Columbia, Yale, and UChicago, as well as specialized intensive research programs tailored to data science. There are also programs that combine data science with things like economics, business, medicine, and so much more. These hands-on, 2-3 week programs offer a unique opportunity to delve into data science topics with peers and explore your interests on a deeper level. Plus, it’s cool to do camps at colleges you think you might want to go to!

By understanding our freshmen and their interests, we're able to tailor the perfect programs for them. We're with them every step of the way—brainstorming, polishing applications, securing recommendation letters, and ultimately helping them make the right choice on which programs are the perfect fit.

Freshman year marks the perfect opportunity to kickstart your college preparation, especially if you're aiming for a competitive field like data science. Start refining your interests, excel in your classes, and let us guide you in planning your summer adventures!

Freshmen, if you want to start strategizing for college, or just need help planning your summer, reach out to us today.