
Rejected Early Decision from Dartmouth 2023

Getting a rejection letter from your dream Early Decision school can be really tough. It’s natural to feel deflated. You've dedicated your heart, soul, time, and countless hours to becoming an outstanding candidate. Your bright future still lies ahead, and there are other exceptional options available. College admissions have unquestionably become fiercely competitive, and the Ivy League is in a category of its own. Dartmouth’s acceptance rate is just 6% according to U.S. News & World Report. But keep in mind that a Dartmouth rejection doesn’t mean the Ivies are out of your league. Here’s our advice about staying on track for the rest of your reaches:

First, Take a Moment

First and foremost, it's crucial to take a brief pause and allow yourself to process your feelings. This is not easy. It’s really normal to just feel a little bit of grief and you should honor that. Take one or two days to just chill and veg out. Read a good book. Watch some trash TV and stay off socials. In a few days, you can get back into the game. But for now, take care of yourself so you can recharge and really be on it when it’s time to get going.

Second, Assess Your College List

After your well-deserved break, shift your focus towards regrouping. Remember, you're not starting from scratch; your previous accomplishments still hold value and all of the raw materials are there. But it might be time to take a look at that strategy. Begin by revisiting your list of potential schools. Review the acceptance ranges for test scores and GPAs for each institution on your list. Assess where you stand. Now, ask yourself: do you have the right amount of reach schools, safety schools, and target schools?

If you’re feeling confident, it’s okay to keep your reaches where they are. If you’re feeling like you really just want the comfort of knowing you’re in somewhere, think about moving a few from the “target” category to the “reach” category. Add some safeties if need be. The most important part is that you did your research when making this list. If you really got to know each and every school on it and you know where you stand compared to each school’s acceptance criteria, then trust your research. Most often, a total overhaul isn’t necessary. Think of it like a professional sports team. If a great team is down a few points in the first quarter, they don’t usually bench the whole starting lineup and create a new list of plays. The coach will typically swap in a few players and try a new play. Small adjustments.

Third, Revisit the Common App Essay

Take a close look at your Common App essay. Read it through twice and contemplate how to make it more outstanding. We recommend crafting essays that allow your unique personality to shine through. Remember that admissions counselors sift through countless essays and applications, so your goal is to capture their attention and leave a lasting impression. Create a compelling narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end that showcases your distinctive personality traits. Keep your tone straightforward, aim for a light-hearted, engaging, and charming. If you’re funny, be funny. Imagine yourself as the admissions counselor and think about what kind of essay would stand out after reading numerous others. Don't strive to sound overly intellectual. This can be as simple as a story about your morning routine. The goal should be to connect with the admissions counselor and come across like a real, three-dimensional person.

Fourth, Consider Additional Support

Receiving an Early Decision rejection can be incredibly challenging. It's natural to feel lost or uncertain about your next steps. Many students find it beneficial to seek guidance from a college consultant. We offer a specialized "It's Going to Be Okay" package tailored for students who have received less-than-ideal news during the Early Decision round. It’s basically a two-week long boot camp to help you regain your footing.

College admissions these days are incredibly tough, especially in the Ivy League. Don’t lose faith if you’ve had a little setback in the Early Decision round. The goal of getting into college should be matching with the right fit for you. The perfect school is still out there.


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