
How to Write the Washington and Lee Supplement 2023-2024

Washington and Lee is a liberal arts university in Lexington, Virginia. With only around 2,000 undergrads, this small school sits between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Allegheny Mountains. What we are trying to say is the area is gorgeous. The name of the college comes from George Washington, the school’s first significant benefactor, and unfortunately, Robert E. Lee… yes, Confederate General Robert E Lee was a former president of the college… However, W&L has become a far more accepting place since the 1800s.

The school extended its test-optional for the 2023-2024 cycle, and its acceptance rate last year was around. Their supplemental essay is technically optional, but we highly encourage writing it. W&L is competitive to get into, and they are giving you an opportunity to make your case on why they should choose you. Take advantage of that opportunity! Okay, so now that we have convinced you to write it, let’s break down how we would approach the Washington and Lee supplement.

Please describe how you have familiarized yourself with Washington and Lee University and what aspects of W&L's community are most exciting to you. (Optional) (250 word limit)

If you have written any other supplements, you have probably already seen a question like this. It’s the no. 1 question we see again and again. Simply, they are asking you, “Why do you want to go here?” It’s a pretty important question.

Because we see it so often, we have a bit of a formula we use to answer the all-important “why?” question. You should start this essay with a short story about when you first realized what you wanted to major in college. Think of it kind of like an origin story for your academic interests. For example, if you're going to study political science, you could tell a story about volunteering to canvas for a local campaign. End the story with something like, “And that’s why I want to major in ________ at W&L.”

One little note here: don’t write about being undecided. If you aren’t sure what you hope to study, take a best guess and write about it like you are 100% sure about it. Colleges want to see confidence and planning. And don’t worry; no one will hold you to an optional essay you wrote when you actually get on campus. 

Once you state your major, it’s time to back up your statement with facts. Minimally, you should mention two higher-level classes in the major and a professor that you might hope to assist. Talk about how these academic opportunities fit perfectly with your interests.

Once you have covered academics, you can speak to campus life. Look for opportunities, clubs, and/or extracurriculars that fit with your interests. The best opportunities are the ones that relate to what you are already doing so that you can talk about yourself. For example, if you love cultivating basil on your window sill, you can discuss how you want to get involved in the on-campus community gardens. Paint a picture of how you hope to get involved on campus and give us some specifics.

This essay doesn’t need a formal conclusion, but you should try to leave the reader feeling that W&L is the best place for you and that you would be a valuable student for them.

This essay will take a little time, but the most challenging part is usually research. If you look deeply into the programs and opportunities at W&L, this essay will kind of write itself. Just make sure you give yourself time to research, proofread, and edit.


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