
How to Write the SMU Supplement 2023-2024

Southern Methodist University, often called SMU, is a private research university in Dallas, Texas. SMU is surprisingly non-sectarian in its teaching… aka not as methodist as its name suggests. The school has become more buzzy over the years, partially for its undergraduate business school and campus traditions. They have extended their test-optional policy for another year and have around a 47% acceptance rate.

We have written about their supplement before, but as it has been getting more popular, we wanted to revisit how to approach the SMU supplement.

SMU appeals to students for a variety of reasons. Briefly describe why you are interested in attending SMU and what specific factors have led you to apply. (250-word limit)*

This is a standard “Why do you want to go here?” essay. We have a system to approach this type of essay. Before you start, you will need to do some research into the school and choose a major, but the basic breakdown should look something like this:

Origin story:

Tell us a short story about why you want to study what you plan to study. Often, it’s when you first fell in love with the subject or realized you wanted to study it in college. However, it can also be about a specifically cool thing you did that shows your passion for the subject. End the story with a declaration that this is why you want to major in this field at SMU. One note here: if you are unsure what you want to study, take a best guess. They won’t hold you to it when you actually need to choose a major, and colleges don’t want to hear about being undecided.

Back it up with details:

This is the part where your research is going to come in. You should look for 2-higher level classes in your prospective major. We advise avoiding intro classes since they are similar everywhere. Find ones that are upper-level and feel unique. Mention the classes by name and explain why they align with your academic interests. Find a professor whose research interests you and discuss how you would love to assist them. After doing these steps, feel free to add any other attractive academic opportunities you have found in your research and why they are right for you.

Choose an extracurricular:

Academics have to come first, but then it’s time for campus life. Choose an extracurricular or opportunity to get involved in on campus that relates to something you already do. Connecting it to something you already do allows you to talk about yourself and your passions.

Optional: talk about location:

If you have the space in the word count, you can talk about where the school is and why you would be excited to live and learn in Dallas. This isn’t essential, but it can be a nice touch.

Wrap it up right:

Try to leave the reader with the feeling that SMU is perfect for you and that you would be perfect for SMU.

One last tip. The more research into SMU you do for this essay, the easier it will be to write.

SMU is a diverse and welcoming learning environment shaped by the convergence of ideas and cultures. How will your unique experiences enhance the University, and how will you benefit from this community? (250-word limit)*

The trick of this essay is to tell a story that brings the reader into your world. You come from a set of unique experiences; choose one that is important to you. It really can be anything as long as it connects to you as a person. Sometimes, students see the word “diverse” and get stuck on that. Notice that while diversity is in the prompt, it’s not actually in the question.

You can write this essay about any important experience that you have had. It does not need to connect specifically to “diversity.” You could write about finishing lifeguard training, choreographing your cousin’s Sangeet, being a tutor, or coming out as non-binary. They are all equally good stories as long as you bring the reader into your world and show them why that experience is essential to you.

End this essay by connecting it to who you will be in the SMU community. How will you apply the skills that you used in that experience at SMU? It doesn’t need a formal conclusion, but it should connect.

SMU has a reasonably straightforward supplement. They aren’t trying to trick you, and you will see questions like this again and again as you finish more supplements. Do your best, and give yourself time to research, proof, and edit.

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