
How to Write the NYU Supplement 2022-2023

This post has been edited to reflect new information:

NYU is one of the most popular colleges in the world – so much so that they even call themselves “the top dream school in the country.” A little egotistical, but we digress. A record-breaking 105,000 students applied to NYU’s current freshman class, which dropped their acceptance rate to 12.2%. NYU is getting more and more competitive, and what used to be seen as a safety school for the Ivies is now almost as hard to get into as Cornell.

We initially wrote this post about last year’s question, because we were told that they would be keeping the same question. In fact, they told us themselves that they were keeping the same Why NYU question when we called them. But on August 1st, a whole new question arrives. Now we’re not calling them liars… but... anyways, here’s the new question.  

NYU was founded on the belief that a student’s identity should not dictate the ability for them to access higher education. That sense of opportunity for all students, of all backgrounds, remains a part of who we are today and a critical part of what makes us a world class university. Our community embraces diversity, in all its forms, as a cornerstone of the NYU experience.

We would like to better understand how your experiences would help us to shape and grow our diverse community. Please respond in 250 words or less. 

So instead of a cliché Why NYU question, they’ve upgraded to a shorter, but also cliché question about diversity. But you don’t have to be cliché in your answer! We advise going about this by answering the question by thinking “when have you learned something from someone who was different than you?” This allows you to tell a story, which is a much more compelling essay than a list of identities or times you personally championed diversity.

To help you narrow it down further, think of communities you’re a part of and think of the communities within those communities you’re a part of too. So, for example, your faith is deeply important to you, maybe there’s a smaller group that meets up for coffee or to play kickball outside of worship. If you’re in the LGBTQ+ community, maybe you’re a part of an organization that leads queer beach cleanups, or you started a book club. Community can also look like you and your neighbors, the regulars at the coffeeshop, or the group of guys you became friends with at the gym. 

It’s important to zero in on a moment in time, give it lots of detail, and bring the reader into the moment with you. There should be a distinct beginning, middle, and end to the story, but keep most of your focus on the action of the story, the real meat and potatoes part. We know 250 words isn’t like, a whooooole lot to work with here, and your first draft will probably clock in at well over 300 words. Take your time editing and reviewing your essay, both for flow and grammar, and don’t be afraid to let a few others look at it to make sure you catch any mistakes. Good luck!


If you need help with your NYU application or aren’t getting the support you need from your school’s counselor, contact us today.