
Most Unique Programs at UChicago

UChicago is a very unique school with a unique culture, so finding unique programs here was relatively easy. When applying, you’ll want to prove that you’ve done your research on what they have to offer, and hopefully our guide will make it simple to get a jump on the types of niche programs you can talk about in your application. It also takes a unique personality to really jive with UChicago, and doing your research on the school and their programs will help you determine if it’s the right fit.


According to UChicago, Pritzker is “the nation’s first engineering school committed to solving the world’s biggest challenges, from the molecular level up.” There are a ton of different things to explore within this school, but if you’re interested in this niche field, UChicago seems to be the only place to do it.  


This interdisciplinary program seeks to… you guessed it… solve big problems. What are some of the big problems they’re working on right now? Courses include “Water Water Everywhere? and “Are we doomed?” as well as “Drinking Alcohol: Social Problem or Normal Cultural Practice?” and “Empire.” Lots to unpack there. Like a U-Haul amount of unpacking. Guess that’s why they’re big problems.


A joint interdisciplinary program between the Center for Health and the Social Sciences and the Institute for Translational Medicine, CCTS is trying to find better solutions to medical problems. Clinical Research, Global Health, and Health Services Research are all concentrations available within the program.


UChicago does not offer an Education major, but this new minor is “concerned with how individuals and institutions reconcile the tasks of child and youth cognitive development, identity formation, and socialization with the changing role of schooling in society and widespread concerns about social inequality and mobility.” Like a lot of things at UChicago, this minor is extremely interdisciplinary and can be applied across other majors for a more holistic approach to education.

5.     Fundamentals: Issues and Texts

This program is shaped around your questions as a student. Built through the humanities and social sciences departments, it takes fundamental and classic texts and applies them to whatever big questions you might have. Examples they give include “What is marriage?” and “How does telling a story shape a life?” By diving into fundamental texts (are you following what I’m doing here?) you can see historical answers to questions. Neat!!


This is essentially a STEM major for the non-STEM people. While science explores the unknown, this program wants to better understand how we’ve gotten the advancements and discoveries we have. This is also great for students who are interested in working in science policy, law, public health, a whole slew of things.


Have a love of the Norwegian language? Ikea? The Northman?? Then get a minor in Norwegian Studies. Not only do you get basic mastery of the language, but you get to dive into text, literature and “Nordic Noir” which sounds fascinating. They sure do love a crime thriller up there. Must be the cold.


This is one of those neat build your own major programs, but you’re paired with a “tutor” (hence, tutorial studies) who helps guide your self-designed major. It’s intended for everything from incredibly niche majors to super broad majors to majors that are common but just not at UChicago. So, everything.

And that’s just a fraction of what UChicago has to offer. It’s an elite school that caters to academics and intellectuals, so if these kinds of niche programs and heady concepts aren’t really your jam – that’s okay! But, if this is your jam, then take a few hours and really dive deeper into the programs that interest you. Research can only help you on your college search.

And if you do apply to UChicago and need help with your application or essays, reach out to us. We are here to help!