
Top Small Liberal Arts Schools for Art History

Art History is a great major to choose at a small school. While liberal arts schools don’t always have a laundry list of majors, most of them have an art history program. Art History programs at small schools also often come with specialization and meaningful connections between students and faculty. If you know you want to study art history and you are considering doing it at a small school, these ten schools need to be on your list to check out.


offers two art history majors: Art History and Art History & Studio. Many students choose to study both Art History and Art at the same time making the Art Department one of William’s most popular departments. Students in the department can use resources at the Williams College Museum of Art. They also have an honors track, awards, fellowships, residencies, and a scholars program.


The fact that is in New York City really helps their Art History program. They have impressive connections to some of the most iconic art museums and galleries in the nation. Courses are often taught at art spaces and lecturers often come from the arts scene in New York. Students at Barnard are required to write a senior research paper, but outside of that, the major is fairly flexible. They push for students to work or intern at art institutions, especially over the summer, and help students with independent projects. Some of the courses in the major are through Columbia’s Art History and Archeology Department, but many courses are also Barnard specific. Barnard is a women’s college, so it isn’t for everyone, but can be a great choice for women in the arts.


s Art History Department has students work very closely with the Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM). Oberlin takes a very global approach to art history and students learn about art across geographical regions. Students can take courses like Latinx Art: Past and Futures and Cultural Property? Art, Heritage, Ownership. Oberlin also encourages students to learn through internships, research, study away, winter term, career exploration, and more. Students can study art history in places like France, Ghana, and Kyoto and secure internships at places like the Cleveland Museum of Art or the Frick Collection. One of their more unique programs is their Art Rental Program which lets students take a piece of art home for a semester. Much better than a dorm room poster.


offers impressive funding for Art History majors for both research and travel. They also have prizes, an honors track, and internship and volunteering opportunities. Related internships can even be used for credits in the major. They offer courses such as Ad/dressing the Body: European Fashion, Renaissance to the Present, Decolonizing the Museum: Addressing Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice, and many courses on Visual Culture and its connection to gender.


’s Art History degree is all about visual analysis. Many students choose to double major in Art History and Studio Art. However, the department encourages this more for students interested in Studio Art as they believe knowing history is essential for creators. They also offer an Art History/Media Arts combined major. They have a senior honors thesis to interested students and also have exclusive internship opportunities at the Louvre aka the Soriano Fellowship and Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.


has a fairly flexible History of Art major. The major is 11 credits and many courses can be chosen by the individual. They do offer an honors track and a scholarship fund for those who need monetary assistance for their honors track. They also encourage History of Art majors to study abroad and popular programs include Paris, Berlin, Prague, and Sydney. Much like Barard, Smith is a women’s college, so again, it’s not for everyone.


offers The Art History and Visual Culture Program. This major works closely with and is supported by the Bard Center for Curatorial Studies in Annandale-on-Hudson and with the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture in New York City. The department also organizes frequent bus trips to NYC to have students learn and explore galleries and museum spaces. These trips are also open to non-majors which is pretty great for all Bard students. Bard has students do what they call a Moderation in this major. This is a process where students must present to a board consisting of three Bard faculty members, including the student’s adviser and at least one other art historian. They also offer research and study abroad options.


The Art & the History of Art department at offers two art concentrations: History of Art and the Practice of Art. The major is 10 courses (12 if you want honors) and many students choose to double major with another field. Students in this major must complete a comprehensive assessment by participating in an undergraduate student conference in their senior year. They also encourage students to study abroad.  

Bryn Mawr

History of Art atoffers both an undergrad option as well as an A.B./M.A. in History of Art for students who hope to get their Masters in 4-5 years. Outside of Art History, Bryn Mawr also has Museum Studies and Film minors which are popular with History of Art Students. They offer courses like Topics in Modern Art: Identity in Film & Video Art, Topics in Chinese Art: Chinese Calligraphy, and The History of London Since the Eighteenth Century. Students can also get credit for Supervised work and research. All students must complete a senior thesis and there is also an honors track. This is another women’s college. (Wow, there are a lot of these with great Arts programs.) 


When listing the Claremont colleges it is always hard just to choose one. Since they share a lot of courses and opportunities, any of the colleges could give you an awesome Art History degree. students take courses with , in the , and the . Pomona takes a super interdisciplinary approach to the Art History major and the major is supported by the Pomona College Museum of Art. They also have great connections with many prominent art museums around the LA area. Uniquely, Pomona does make majors take one studio art course (don’t worry, there are a lot of options and you don’t need to be the next Da Vinci.) They also offer wonderful undergrad research opportunities.

Liberal arts schools often have strong humanities programs and Art History is a perfect subject to show the strengths of a liberal arts education. Art History students learn to write, think, and analyze. These skills aren’t just important in the arts but in all of the humanities and in other fields.


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