
10 Best Undergraduate Schools for Real Estate

Real estate has become a popular interest with a lot of our students over the past few years. If you’re serious about studying anything relating to real estate, the following programs will give you an excellent background:

UPenn: Wharton School of Business

is one of the top programs in the country for all things business and real estate is no exception. The Real Estate Department at Wharton offers a concentration for undergraduates. The single required course is a real estate investment class. Students must also select three electives. Options include Real Estate Law, Urban Real Estate Economics, Entrepreneurship, and more.    

UT-Austin: McCombs School of Business

The University of Texas at Austin is another great one for Real Estate. The ’ Texas Real Estate Center allows finance majors to take on a focus in Real Estate. There’s also a Real Estate minor.  But above all, location, location, location. The Austin real estate market is so hot right now, it provides a training ground for students (and recent grads) to dive into an emerging real estate landscape that’s more accessible than say, New York City.  

University of Wisconsin: Wisconsin School of Business

°Â¾±²õ³¦´Ç²Ô²õ¾±²Ô’s offers a top-notch Real Estate major for students interested in focusing on commercial real estate. In addition to broader School of Business requirements, undergrads who choose this major are required to take several prerequisites, including Real Estate Law and other fundamental courses. Electives include Green/Sustainable Development. The school additionally recommends non-business electives, such as Housing and Urban Design, and General Soil Science.

USC: Sol Price School of Public Policy

Interestingly, USC’s undergraduate Real Estate Development program is housed in the .  This program includes mandatory internships and required coursework in Microeconomics and Business Economics. In addition to foundational finance courses, other class offerings include Designing Livable Communities, Land Use Regulation, Shelter, Technology and the City, and Real Estate Law. 

UC-Berkeley: Haas School of Business

UC-Berkeley’s acclaimed is home to the Fisher Center for Real Estate & Urban Economics.  The program not only focuses on core academic requirements, but it also places an emphasis on field work. There are also ample research opportunities, in addition to an undergraduate club for Real Estate students.

UCSD: Urban Studies and Planning

±«°ä³§¶Ù’s offers a major in Real Estate and Development. Requirements include Sustainable Development, Business Management, Urban Planning and Real Estate Law, among others.

Cornell: SC Johnson College of Business

Only the second Ivy to make our list, Cornell has a great inside its school of business. The Center for Real Estate and Finance offers a minor in Real Estate. Requirements differ for students who are Hotel Administration an students who are not, but it generally consists of a few foundational courses in both Finance and Real Estate, in addition to elective options such as Project Management for Hospitality Real Estate Development and Investment in Real Estate   Securities and Funds.

Villanova: School of Business

The offers a major and a minor in Real Estate. Previously, students had the option to co-major in Real Estate but newer graduating classes are able to focus singularly on Real Estate if they so desire. Major requirements include fundamentals like Real Estate Law, Urban Economics, and Real Estate Development.  

NYU: School of Professional Studies

offers a Real Estate major. This major is in the School of Professional Studies, which is designed for students at all stages. This program places a particular emphasis on study abroad and internship opportunities. It also allows students to learn in one of the most competitive real estate markets in the world.

Fordham: School of Professional and Continuing Studies

The is housed within the School of Professional and Continuing Studies and is primarily for students who are interested in taking classes at night, on weekends, or online. It is unique for its mentorship program, which allows students to use networking and mentorship opportunities to supplement in-class learning. The school offers a major and a minor with  requirements in fundamentals like Real Estate Law and electives including Global Real Estate Markets.


A Real Estate major is a savvy choice for business-minded students. While philosophy and anthropology are great, Real Estate majors tend to graduate with a uniquely applicable professional skillset that allows them to dive right into the job market. It’s a tough field, but can be highly rewarding and interesting for those who have the drive.


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