
 Private College Counselor NYC

We love New York and not in the I heart NY tacky shirt way. Ok, maybe a little in the tacky t-shirt way. While our college admissions consultants work remotely, we are from New York. Our founder, many of our counselors, and a ton of our students come from NYC and we are proud of that. You don’t have to be in New York to use our company, but if you are looking for a college counselor in New York, we have you covered.

If you can make it there:

New York is competitive. If you go to high school here you already know that. So many talented and driven students come from New York and colleges know that. It’s a blessing and curse. Because NYC has so many talented students, it can make you feel like you are competing directly with your peers for spots that fill up fast. We want to help assuage those fears and make you as competitive as an applicant as this city is.  

We <3 our clients:

A lot of clients come from New York, both from private and public schools. New York has amazing high schools and our students from New York are some of our highest achievers. It doesn’t matter if they go to Stuy, Dalton, Beacon, Trinity, LaGuardia, Horace Mann, ElRo, Riverdale, or any other NYC high school, we understand our clients' needs. After working for 10+ years with students from all over NYC, we know our NYC students and schools well.  

Just as driven as our city:

We take pride in what we do. We love to help our students succeed. 91% of our students get into one of their top three schools. Our students from New York often go to schools like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Georgetown, USC, and Columbia.  

We can start with high schoolers at any point in their high school careers. From freshmen to seniors, we work with our students to craft a college list, make an application plan, write essays and supplements, and juggle all of the moving pieces that come along with applying for college. Applying for college isn’t easy and we can help with everything from scheduling tests to working on crafting the perfect list of extracurriculars. We like to base our approach on each student’s needs and it works well in New York because every New Yorker is different and comes with their own unique path.

We are New Yorkers and while we work with students from Santa Monica to Singapore, we will always have a soft spot for our born and bred New Yorkers. This city turns out high achievers and we want to be there to help those high achievers navigate a hard system to reach their potential. We love being able to serve New Yorkers whatever they need in this process.


Need help applying? We got you. Reach out here.