
Private College Counselor Benefits

Let’s face it – you’re probably getting hundreds of conflicting pieces of advice on the college application process. From the counselors at school, to other parents, to teachers, to friends and family, everyone thinks they have the secret to cracking college admissions.

As senior year lurks around the corner, juniors are starting to think about where they’re going to go to college. And we get it – it’s stressful. We provide one-on-one support for students and their parents for everything from building out extracurriculars to writing the Common App essay, but the biggest service we provide is peace of mind. With so many people giving you so many pieces of advice, we help you cut through the nonsense and create a strategy that actually works for you. 

While a school counselor wants you to go to college, they don’t necessarily want you to go to the perfect school for you. High schools see the grades and scores of all the other students and might write off a kid for their dream school, even if it’s an appropriate target or reach. They might push you to apply to a great school without taking into consideration if that school is even a good cultural fit. School counselors are concerned about the stats of their own school and placing their kids at various top schools, and they also have tons of kids all vying for the same schools. This means you may not be a priority.

Now on the flip side, a private counselor is concerned with your best interest. Our only skin in the game is where you want to go to school. We don’t have administration to appease, or principals to answer to, or stats to beef up. 

At The Koppelman Group, we take a student-centered and targeted approach to admissions. Students who work with us get tailored college lists that reflect their goals, their values, their achievements, and their personalities. They get one-on-one support with a counselor who can guide them through the entire process without worrying what the other kid who’s also dying to go to Harvard is doing. 

Clients who work with us value our dedication to each student, and they know our strategic, one-of-a-kind approach is successful. While we work with a lot of students who come to us senior year, we also love working with sophomores and juniors. By joining early on in the process, we are better able to tailor a college list directly to our students and get a headstart on applications that others may be scrambling to finish by the deadline. Signing on with 91̽»¨ gives students more confidence and peace of mind when it comes to admissions. 

Like we said before, If you find yourself struggling to be heard by your school counselor, or feel that you would benefit from our one-on-one support and guidance, feel free to reach out to us here