
Transfer Application Strategies for NYU

So you want to transfer to NYU? We get why you would want to. They have great programs in most subjects, plus, getting to live in NYC is nothing to sneeze at. However, NYU is difficult. They even say it on their website, “Admission for transfer students is highly competitive.” So you will need to make your application shine. 

But how do you do that? 

The first step is kind of a bummer: have great grades and test scores. It’s not a very specific tip or trick, but you will need it to get in. The second step is having a killer writing supplement. For NYU you will have to write at least two essays. Depending on the program or school you are hoping to transfer into you might have more, so be sure to check if there are additional essays or portfolios needed for your specific program. However, every hopeful transfer has to answer two important essays. 

The first is a classic “why do you want to go here?” essay. You probably remember doing a lot of these essays when you first applied to schools. They ask: 

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU's global network; regardless, we want to understand - Why NYU? (2500 character maximum)

They use a lot of words here most of them you can more or less ignore and focus on the last two words, “why NYU?” Your answer should be specific. This is a really good time to start researching what are specific opportunities you would want to take advantage of at NYU. 

There are a couple of things you need to include in your ‘why’ essay answer. The first and most important, is you need to mention what you want to study. I know they say in the question that you can be “undecided,” but they don’t actually mean that. Without a clear academic through-line, these essays get wishy-washy fast. 

We often advise starting these types of essays with a story about when you first fell in love with the topic you are talking about. It doesn’t need to be the actual first thing, but it should be a story about a time your passion for your academic pursuit ignited. It brings the reader in and lets them know a little about you as a person. However, be mindful, this essay seems longer than it is. 2500 characters might sound long, but it’s only actually about 350-650 words. For example, this blog so far is about 466 words and 2561 characters. Your story should only be about a paragraph, then you want to get into the real meat of this essay.

Before you start writing you want to have chosen a major and or specific program that you hope to be in and look into higher-level classes and at least one professor that you can mention by name. Having professors you want to work with and being able to talk about them and their work is our biggest trick for this essay. Talking about professors not only shows you have done your research on the school but that you are someone who is motivated to do research as an undergrad. Trust us, that’s a good thing to be. Specifics about classes and professors will help you make the case that NYU is the perfect school for what you are hoping to study. 

It’s also good to be able to speak to specifics of the program or any opportunities that come with your major. Think about the specifics of what drew you to this major at NYU and please don’t say, “cause it’s really good there.” The more specific you can make this the better. 

This ‘why’ essay should be primarily academic-focused, but a relevant club or opportunity outside of class is a great thing to add. Just make sure it is something connected to your interests, specific, and logical. Please don’t say anything like, “I really hope to live in Brooklyn.” Like, ok, Chill out Lena Dunham. 

This essay doesn’t need a super formal conclusion, but after you make your points be sure to wrap it up for the reader and leave them with the feeling that you are right for NYU and NYU is right for you. 

The tricky thing about this essay is that it doesn’t only have to be specific and well researched, it should also be creative and fun to read. If it feels like a slog, it probably is. I know it doesn’t feel fun to list opportunities, but make sure that your writing is engaging. If you are truly excited about what you are talking about, others will take note. Show some personality, it will serve you well! 

The second question is one that you should be prepared to answer from the beginning of this process. They ask:

Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. (3000 character maximum) 

If you read our earlier blog about transferring, you will know that being able to answer “why are you transferring?” is important. Your answer should be academic in nature. The easiest take is “I want to study X but my current school doesn’t offer it.” This is the simplest take but might not fit your situation. Try to build something important, believable, and most importantly academic. No one wants to read that your current school doesn’t have enough good parties. For example, let’s say you are studying neuroscience and your current school does have a program for it, but it’s a really small department. Maybe they don’t have undergraduate research opportunities or as many upper-level classes as you need. Think of why you are unhappy academically and build on that. 

This is a longer essay. You don’t have to take up the full 3000 characters (remember, it is a word limit, not a word goal) but you should explain your situation and reasoning carefully and fully. You're going to have to dive a little deeper into your reasoning. 

If you can make this essay feel like a story, it is going to be more readable and memorable. Instead of info-dumping, walk us through what happened. You can give us the narrative of why you want to transfer. Take the reader with you on your journey.  If you are struggling to figure out what to write consider writing about why it’s important for you to study what you are hoping to study or when you realized your current college couldn’t help you fulfill your academic goals (just don’t go too negative. Reading something scathing can be really awkward.) 

Once you have told your story, you can also talk about what you want from your new college. Make sure that is all something that NYU can give you. This is where you can talk about a specific objective or a process of learning. Maybe what you want is something like a grant for research, maybe it’s less specific and more about a holistic education. Explain what you want and what you need. Really think about the type of college experience you want and what you want after, this will help guide you in this question. 

NYU isn’t easy to get into. Make sure that your answers showcase not only your amazing research into the school but the thoughtful and engaging person you are. Your personality and drive should be at the center of these essays if you want them to really stand out. It’s a tall order, so start early and don’t be afraid to do some research and some drafting. 

Still don’t know where to start? We are here for you!