
Junior Year Ivy League Strategies

For Juniors, college admissions are right around the corner. It can be tempting to put off thinking about the process, but at The Koppelman Group we believe there is no time like the present. Starting in junior year is one of the surefire ways to help build your application out to the best it can be.

Students who come to us junior year may not have an exact idea of where they want to go or what they want to do. Thankfully, that’s where we come in. We are able to really get to know students, find out their hobbies and passions, and help tailor a strategy for their applications. 

Some students do come to us with an idea of what they want to do, like computer science or business – however, they haven't taken any steps to materialize that interest. If you want to major in computer science, we’d suggest starting with learning how to code and then creating your own independent projects. If you want to study business – start a business. Remember that the people who will read your applications are adults who have already gone to college. It’s cool to have passions and dreams, but they want to see concrete steps you’ve taken to make those dreams a reality. 

Let’s look at one of our past clients, Michael. Michael wanted to study business but had no idea where to start. We helped him strategize and come up with a valet parking business that he pitched to his favorite restaurant. At first, it was just Michael and his friends and they had a bit of a learning curve, but eventually, he worked out all the kinks and realized he really loved running his own business. This kind of real-life learning experience was reflected in his application, and Michael ended up attending a top 5 business school because of the strength of his application.  

By joining us as a junior, we’re also able to get to know you better and create curated, more appropriate college lists. By getting to know you personally, we can find colleges that are the right cultural and academic fits. We’re able to better help you shape your story, to create a more cohesive narrative out of all of your hobbies and interests. We help create the layers and dimensions that top schools are looking for. In short, we help create well-rounded applications that truly reflect who you are to each school.


If you’re looking to get started on the process as a junior, or want to know more about how our one-on-one counseling can help you, reach out to us here