
The Best Colleges With No Supplements 2020-2021

Before we move on to our list, let’s discuss an important reminder. Research and common sense show us that more students apply to schools without supplements because with the click of a button, they can throw their hat in the ring with extremely minimal effort. And while it’s easy to apply, it’s can be more difficult to stand out.  

It’s also true that we understand the value of a school without a supplement. If your grades and test scores (if you have them) meet the requirements of any given school and you’re looking to add in a few safety schools, the list below might be a good place to start. 

Another disclaimer: you should not be applying to a school simply because it is test-optional. Start with this list, but make sure that you’ve thoroughly researched the offerings of each and every school.

  • Bates College

  • Colby College

  • Connecticut College

  • Hamilton College

  • Kenyon College

  • Franklin and Marshall

  • Middlebury College

  • Skidmore College

  • Wesleyan University

  • Northeastern University

  • Gettysburg College

  • Grinnell College

  • Fordham University

  • Beloit College

  • College of the Holy Cross

  • Drew University

  • Drexel University

  • DePaul University

  • Albion College

  • Siena College

  • Sarah Lawrence University

  • Susquehanna University

  • Spelman College

  • Muhlenberg College

  • Clemson University

If you’re seriously interested in attending one of these schools, you should consider reaching out to their admissions team via email. When working with 91̀½»¨ clients who have their hearts set on a supplement-less school, we ensure that their reasons for wanting to apply are made clear. 

Contact us here if you’re not sure where to start, we love helping our clients make a plan.