
Tips for Applying to Cornell during Coronavirus/COVID 19

More than a month ago, Cornell announced that they were going test-optional for the upcoming round of applicants. We wrote about it here. Cornell is a great school, and because it has the highest acceptance rate of all of the Ivy’s, we often hear people say that they “might as well apply.” This is, of course, absolutely ridiculous.

Last year, Cornell’s acceptance rate was 10.6%. Talking in terms of weather, you probably wouldn’t bring your umbrella out if there was a 10.6% chance of rain. And yet, the “I’ll throw my hat in the ring” mentality comes out to play when we discuss Cornell with our clients and blog readers. Cornell is known for its standout academics and unique programs such as agriculture (their entire CALS department is highly regarded) and hospitality. If your reasons for wanting to apply to Cornell are academic, that’s great. If you’re considering applying just because the school opted to go test-optional, that’s the opposite of great. As with any school, we suggest that you take the time to research their academic programs and decide why you want to go there. Below you’ll find our tips for applying to Cornell this upcoming cycle:


Test optional or not, you are still applying to an Ivy League school. This means that Cornell is used to seeing a certain caliber of applicants, and while there will be an onslaught of additional applicants sent in, they will also continue to see applications from students who have been priming themselves to apply for 3+ years. As we mentioned in our previous blog post that is linked above, your grades freshmen year through first semester of junior year are going to matter A LOT. Second-semester junior year grades are going to be evaluated with less weight due to distance learning and the pass / fail model, so you need to ALREADY have the grades to back up your Ivy League desires. The same can be said for extracurricular activities. So before you move on to tips two and three, honestly evaluate your performance in high school thus far.


Much like a blank word document labeled Common App Essay, free time can be paralyzing. Stop putting things off to tomorrow! Look back at the activities and classes that you’re missing, meaning the History lectures or the weekly articles you wrote for the school newspaper. Sign up for online classes, offer to teach classes digitally, get engaged with your community, and read books related to your areas of interest. We are absolutely understanding that this an intense and emotional time in America, and we are certainly not suggesting that you spend all of time advancing your skill set. But it is also probably true that you currently have more time on your hands than ever before. Stay engaged with what matters to you most and stay as focused as possible when it comes to how you spend your time. Cornell is not looking for students who are members of every club at school that simply spend one hour a month at meetings. Your goal is to demonstrate growth in niche areas, and show how you’ve honed your skills and interests over time.


Historically, more students apply to competitive schools when they go test-optional. And grades and extracurricular activities are all but put on pause right now, which means that your essay is essentially the only space that you’ll have to highlight the non-academic qualities that you have. And yes, by that we mean your personality. What is it like to hang out with you? What characteristics do you possess that are worth telling Cornell about? We promise you have many! But now, literally right now, is the time to start working on your essay. This year’s supplements are coming in two months, so we suggest starting today. The only requirement is that your essay is 650 words or less, and we have many blog posts to get the process started.

We know that when colleges go test-optional the essays tend to matter more. This is because the weight that was put on testing is now redistributed to the other components of your application. Everything becomes more important. This year is going to be a particularly strong year for the essay because you’re going to really need to tell your story.

The best essays and edited and re-edited and then edited again. So don’t wait until September to start.


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