
When to Hire a College Consultant

For those who choose to do it, hiring a college consultant is a really important step in the college admissions process. For nearly every high schooler who embarks on it, the application process is completely new. A college consultant is your guide to unlocking all of the unknowns and helping you map out a realistic and strong plan to achieve your goal of getting into your top choice schools. So, when is the right time to hire someone?  

First, Answer a Few Questions

The first thing you should do is reflect upon what it is you want and need in a consultant. Start out by asking yourself a couple of questions: What is required of me in the college process? What do I need help with, exactly? This is important in establishing where you are so you can figure out what the best next step is for you. These are also the answers you’ll need to have when you first meet with a prospective college consultant so you can create a game plan together. Everyone’s needs are different. A lot of our clients come to us when they see that their kids should be shooting for Ivy League schools, but don’t know what extracuricculars to flesh out. A lot of clients need help figure out an impressive and interesting summer plan. Most need help with essays. So, the best course of action is to really hone in on your needs and get specific.  

The Timing

The short answer to the question of timing is, the sooner the better. If you need help coming up with a summer plan, it’s good to give yourself several months as internships and college-level summer courses require early enrollment. Generally speaking, the earlier the better and if you’re starting to ask the question “when is the right time to hire a consultant?” The answer is, now. The trick to getting started with college counseling is to be ready and know what you want, so if you’re inquiring, you’re obviously thinking about it. That’s crucial.

First and foremost, your child needs to be on board with the process. Additionally, if you’re asking this question, it likely means you’re already engaged with the process and you have a question with which you need some help. Sophomore year is usually a great time to hire a college consultant. Freshman year is a bit early (though not at all unheard of). Kids are still learning the ropes of high school. Sophomore year is a good time to re-calibrate, focus on a digestible two-year roadmap, and start executing. We find that establishing an academic niche throughout high school is really important. So, sophomore year allows for students to work with a consultant on getting into the right extracurriculars and taking the appropriate SAT IIs/AP courses.

The Right Fit

There are different types of college consultants out there. Some are more hands-on, others just provide a little surface-level support. We provide our students with a very in-depth counseling experience. Everyone is different and before you sign on with a consultant you should know what it is your looking for and the style of consulting that’s right for your child. Regardless, this is the beginning of an exciting (but sometimes daunting) process and it might be reassuring to know there are experts out there who can help.

The college process can be an incredibly overwhelming time in your family’s life. If you’re even considering hiring someone, shoot us a note.  

If you’re interested in a customized college consulting experience for your student, reach out to us here.