
How Do I Know Whether To Transfer Colleges?

If you’ve been wondering whether or not you should transfer, that itself is a sign that you might want to consider doing some research. It’s probably safe to say that the “Should I Transfer” question pops into student’s minds at least once or twice throughout even the best college experiences. Your roommate keeps microwaving salmon, that one professor doesn’t seem to see that you’re trying, or saying goodbye to your parents was a little harder than you thought it might be. These are all reasons to think, even momentarily, that you’re better off elsewhere. If you’re experiencing singular experiences of doubt, don’t freak out! That is the college experience.

What’s worth looking into, however, is ongoing feelings of unhappiness, lack of enthusiasm, sadness, or lack of motivation. Going to college is a big deal and a huge decision, and not everyone gets it right the first time. But with that being said, transferring is a big decision, it’s not an easy process, and the idea that you can transfer to an Ivy League school after one year at a state school is a common misconception.  

We put together a quiz for those students who are wondering if transferring is the right move. Read through the questions below and keep track of your answers.

  • Is your first-choice major available at your current school?

  • Are you being challenged?

  • Do you like the geographical location of your school, and do you plan to take advantage of the surrounding resources in terms of securing an internship or getting a job (if you want one?)

  • Are you inspired by your professors?

  • Are your classmates pushing you to do well, try your hardest, and consider alternative perspectives?

  • Are you having fun?

  • Are there special opportunities that you have your eye on?

  • Do you feel supported by your advisor?

  • Are you actively trying to make the best of it?

  • Are you going to class?

  • Have you found extracurricular activities that you enjoy?

  • Have you made friends with similar interests, or at least enjoy sharing a meal with?

  • Are you confident that you’ve made the right choice?

  • Do you feel like you’ll be happy with your decision to stay at your current school?

If you answered “no” to even one of these questions, dig into your “why.” Ask yourself if there are aspects of your approach that can be changed, and then try to figure out if you’re truly unhappy or temporarily stuck. If you answered “no” to a majority of these questions, it’s time to start seriously considering transferring. We like to start by figuring out exactly what you don’t like about your current school, and then look for schools that fit the bill. We’ll be posting more information about transferring in the coming days, but if you want to start today, start with this blog post.


Contact us here if you’re looking to transfer but you’re not sure where to start.