
Transferring College After One Year

If you’re considering transferring, now is the time to start the process. Crazy, we know. This will vary by school, but generally speaking, transfer applications are due in March. It’s just about time for the holiday break, and before you know it will be January 1st, 2021. This means that you should do all of your research now so that you’re in a good place to start the process by the start of the new year. We understand that time makes no sense this year, but it’s time to set the wheels in motion. Keep reading for the three big ticket items you have about three months to accomplish:

Create a highly specific transfer school list:

We’ve worked with plenty of transfer students in the past, and we always stress this point with them: in order to improve your chances of being accepted as a transfer, you need to prove that you need to transfer to accomplish your goals. Needing to transfer is very different than wanting to transfer because you don’t like your roommate. Make a list of what you’re looking for that looks like something like this:

  • Environmental Science program with a focus on sustainability

  • Marine Biology minor

  • Location is conducive to Marine Biology internships and/or jobs

  • Small classes

From there, make a list of schools that fit the bill. And keep in mind, you’re going to need to show that 1) you have what it takes to do well at your ideal transfer school and 2) your current school lacks the resources you need.

Get organized:

Please do your own research as to what individual schools require, but next you should organize all of your supplemental materials. Remember everything you sent in the first time you applied? You’ll need that, plus your transcripts from college and additional letters of recommendation. Create a master document to keep track of the deadlines, materials, and supplements. The best advice we can give you? Ask for everything to be sent early. Things will get lost in the shuffle, and you will need to follow up, so it’s always better to get ahead of things.  

Complete your applications:   

The transfer process has changed a lot over the years, and with that so have the essay requirements. Last year, we saw multiple supplements (and transfer common app essays) that varied greatly by school. For this reason, and because we don’t know where you’re applying, it’s difficult to give advice that will apply to all of our blog readers. But here are our best tips for the things we’re sure you’ll need:

  1. Write a killer origin story. Using the example from above, explain why you want to study Environmental Science by giving highly specific reasons and goals. Rely on what you’ve learned during your first year of college to prove that you’re committed to your area of study.

  2. Find a non-dramatic way to explain why you want to transfer. This is not the time for a sob story, or to speak badly about your current school. Simply write a few sentences that explain why the school isn’t a good fit for you.

  3. Make a specific list of reasons as to why you want to transfer. You’re going to need to write about specific offerings in the supplements, but before that, get extremely clear on why you want to transfer. Vagueness won’t work, but we’ve found that when working with 91Ě˝»¨ transfer clients, having a written (or typed out) list helps to streamline the research process.

Our hope is that this blog post can serve as your roadmap for starting the transfer process. Start early, stay focused, and only apply to schools that truly excite you.


Contact us here if you’d like to work with someone one-on-one.