
Is Sophomore Year Too Early to Think about Studying for Standardized Tests?

This is a question we love to get. The answer is no.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

Excuse us for the lame cliche, but it’s true. We applaud sophomores (and parents of sophomores) who are thinking about standardized testing. People tend to associate test-taking with the, but in actuality, sophomore year is an testing. All in all, the college process should really be almost 48 months long, but for whatever reason, most students tend to cram it all into one really intense 8-10 month period.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

There we go again with the cliches, but we’re making a point here.

We know, it can be kind of fun to romanticize over the hardships of 11th grade that bind us together, but there is really no reason to condense all of that work into such a short amount of time. The best time to start studying for tests is probably the second half of your sophomore year. That way, you can take the test around September of your junior year, take it again around December, and then be done.

All’s Well That Ends Well

Last one, we promise.

The impulse for students is often to spend a lot of time reading through online resources and blogs trying to explain the between the SAT and ACT. You don’t need to do that. There are plenty of quick and free diagnostics online and they are sufficient. Have a go at it, see which one suits you best, and don’t look back.

Looking to get a head start on the testing process? We have some pro tips. Contact us .

