
How to Schedule an Interview for College

By: Caroline Koppelman

Most colleges offer some kind of interview as part of the application process. These are conducted in a variety of ways; some are on campus with an admissions officer, some are in your local coffee shop with an alumni, some are via Skype. These interviews tend to be relatively informal and offer the admissions office a chance to get to know your personality. An interview will probably not make or break your chances of getting in, but it can add one more dimension to your application, and ensure that you’re not a psychopath.

As is the case with every part of the application, the interview process varies greatly from school to school. It’s important that you pay attention to the processes and deadlines each school has for interviews. You need to know whether you should contact the office, or be checking your email for an interview request, or if a carrier pigeon is required. Luckily, we’ve done some of the work for you. Below is the information for scheduling interviews at a sampling of schools where our clients are applying.

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National Universities

Liberal Arts Schools