
college lists

Best Colleges for Zoology

If you love animals and your favorite weekend activity is birdwatching, visiting a zoo, or strolling along the reptiles section of your local pet store, you may be considering turning your love of animals into a professional career path with a degree in zoology, or a related field. With a degree in zoology, animal biology, or animal sciences, you’ll be able to go into research, work in a high-level role at a zoo, or participate in wildlife conservation. You’ll also be well-positioned if you’re hoping to continue on to a veterinarian school.

Best Colleges for Chemistry

We all know what chemistry is, we all take it in high school, and it’s not a major that needs a lot of explanation. But college-level chemistry is a very different animal than what you took as a high school student. The best undergraduate chemistry programs in America train scientific powerhouses who go on to make major breakthroughs, lead large companies, and guide our society toward a better future.  

Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

If you’re interested in electronics and want to be able to design hardware and software in the future, you may want to study both electrical engineering and computer science in college. We’ve compiled ten of our favorite dual programs, double majors, and majors with a concentration combining electrical engineering and computer science. These are often interdepartmental programs and are great for students interested in entrepreneurship, tech, product design, and physical technological goods.

Best Colleges for Spanish Literature

If you’re interested in the literature, culture, and language of Spanish-speaking nations, there are lots of options for you to study it in college — including if you are already fluent. Many top schools offer Spanish language programs that go far beyond simply learning to speak it, but they come with a variety of names (as you’ll see below). In some places the major is called Hispanic Studies, while in others Spanish Literature. Some schools use the term Latinx, while others put everything together in the romance languages bucket. Much of this is based on when the department was founded, who runs it currently, and what geographic regions they are most focused on.

The Best Colleges for your Astrological Sign: Cancer

Strap on your favorite fuzzy slippers and grab a cup of tea, it's time to cozy up with another college list. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the first step in the college process is creating a list of target, reach, and safety schools. For most, this can be a daunting task. So, we have been experimenting with Astrology as a good way to focus in on different types of college lists. And we must remind you, we absolutely, by no means whatsoever, do not recommend seriously basing your college list on your astrological sign. This is just a fun way to get going.  

Best Colleges for Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is one of the most popular and widely available majors in America, especially at small and medium-sized liberal arts schools. It’s a science major, but it’s not. It’s a humanities major, but it’s not. It’s that perfect kind of in-between course of study that accommodates humanities students scared of calc and science students who also like literature. Even better: it’s on the cutting edge. The course lists for Environmental Studies majors include geology and the study of past environmental events and trends, but are typically heavily weighted towards courses that are dealing with the here and now — and the future.   

Best Colleges for Biomedical Science

If you’re thinking of becoming a doctor or pursuing a career somewhere in the medical field, you may be considering studying Biomedical Science as an undergraduate in college. Biomedical Science isn’t pre-med, although it can be linked to it and often includes many (if not all) of the courses medical schools require you to complete before you can apply. Biomedical science is a medical-focused biology track specially designed for these types of students, so if you want to be in the medical field and are considering it, you’re on the right track.

Best Colleges for Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is the study and design of electronic, electromagnetic, and electrically-powered machines and technologies. It is regarded by some as the largest technical profession in the world, and it encompasses everything from huge systems to tiny electronics. Graduates with degrees in electrical engineering can work in nearly any field that intersects with technology and physical products.

Best Colleges for Artsy Students

If you’re a creative student in love with the arts, you’ll be looking for a college that empowers you as an artist and encourages you to go deeper into your favorite forms and fields. You could, of course, find that at an art school — but we find that some students are looking for a college experience with more diversity and greater room for academic exploration than most art schools allow for. After all, when you apply to an art school, you are saying “yes, art, this is it.” But maybe it’s just one piece of you that you want to hold onto and grow, but without having to say goodbye to everything else.

Best Colleges for Environmental Engineering

If you’ve looked into majoring in engineering in college or majoring in environmental studies, or possibly a dual major combining the two, you’ve probably seen environmental engineering pop up as an option that merges them seamlessly. Cornell, the first school on this list of the Best Colleges for Environmental Engineering describes Environmental Engineering well , “Environmental engineers are called upon to understand, arrange and manipulate biological, chemical, ecological, economic, hydrological, physical and social processes to balance our material needs with our impacts on the environment.”

The Best Colleges for your Astrological Sign: Gemini

It's cold, the holidays are long over, and you’ve watched everything good on Netflix. It might just be the perfect time to begin crafting your college list. We encourage our students to focus on 3 major factors as they create their lists: academic viability, program fit, and social/cultural fit. This third category can be a little confusing. How do you know what social and cultural atmosphere will work for you? Well, we’ve been experimenting with a fun lens for breaking down different social/cultural types: astrology. While we by no means recommend considering your astrological sign seriously in your college decision, it can be a helpful way to organize student archetypes. 

Best Colleges for Creative Writing in California

If you’re thinking of pursuing a career that involves writing — whether in publishing, academia, corporate, or with a nonprofit — you may be thinking about majoring in creative writing in college. As you start looking around for options, you’ll quickly learn that most colleges and universities actually don’t offer creative writing as a major, or even as a minor or concentration. A formal writing program, like Creative Writing, is more uncommon than it is common, so it takes some hunting to find a school that’s a perfect social fit and has the program you want.

Best Colleges for Creative Arts

If you’re thinking of pursuing an art degree in college, you may have heard the phrase “Creative Arts” somewhere in your research. Some colleges do offer undergraduate degrees in “Creative Arts,” but most of those schools aren’t particularly prestigious and many only offer them as two-year degrees. When we work with students, we encourage them to consider colleges that offer more specific degrees in the arts, and that have a strong name recognition as an impressive, prestigious, and good-value institution.

Best Colleges for Environmental Science

If you’re considering a major in Environmental Science, finding a college that offers exactly what you’re looking for can be a little tough. Almost every college offers something that looks like Environmental Science — or at least sounds like it — and some people will say, “Isn’t that just biology?” Well, first, no, it’s not. Environmental Science is not the same as biology. It’s studying the environment in a way that overlays natural sciences, social sciences, and policy. Most Environmental Science programs approach this through the lens of problem-solving, hence the policy side.  

Best Sport Culture Colleges in US

We have to start this post with a disclaimer: we do not recommend selecting a college based solely on how fun the football games are. That said, we do like a good game of sports ball. And when it comes to college, you should be able to have fun where you end up. For you, that may mean a few tailgates and choreographed fight songs. After all, college isn’t just about classes and grades. You should enjoy yourself inside and outside of the classroom. For many students, that means getting sports into the mix.