
college major

Top 10 Least Popular Majors at Princeton

College admissions are like an extreme Olympic sport these days. That is to say, they’re hyper-competitive. It would seem no matter what you do, you’re going to be duking out with an equally-qualified candidate, if not several. While we want to prepare kids for the fact that college admissions can be a daunting process, we also believe there are ways to get ahead. Focusing on the right major might be a good investment of your time.

What is a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Major?

The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics major, which is commonly referred to as “PPE,” is an up and coming major at a few schools including , , and . We often hear schools say that their curriculum lends itself nicely to interdisciplinary studies, but the PPE major takes a truly interdisciplinary approach by packaging the best aspects of several majors into one program.

How to Choose a College Major for College Applications

Our regular blog readers probably know by now that it’s important to tell colleges what you plan to major in should you be admitted. Many schools that use the common app have drop-down menus that allow you to select a program and those that don’t often ask via their supplements. We have written about this before, but here’s a refresher: it’s crucial that you tell X school what you plan to major in for a few reasons.

How Do I Choose a Major For My College Applications?

Choosing a major to write about in your college applications is important, but we’ll get to that in a moment. What’s way more important to understand is that it’s completely, totally, absolutely normal to not know what you want to do with the rest of your life. At 17 or 18, it’s rare to have everything figured out. It’s rare to have everything figured out, ever. You might have goals and ideas, and those goals and ideas might change more than once. That’s fine, too. Most of the students we work with panic when they tell them they have to choose a major before writing their supplement, so you’re not alone if trying to choose yours is causing you stress. We understand how scary it sounds, but it’s an effective application strategy and there are multiple reasons why:

How to Choose a Major for your College Application

Nearly every college supplement will include some question that basically amounts to “why do you want to go HERE?” Sometimes they will fancy it up to make it seem less harsh or direct, but it’s really just asking one thing: if you are qualified, and if we like the rest of your application, how would you make the most of your time at our school? The if’s are important because if you aren’t qualified and they don’t like your application, it really doesn’t matter how much you adore the work of that one professor in the English Department or how badly you want to walk onto the soccer team. However, if they are considering accepting you, answering this question correctly is crucial.