It’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do this summer. What you do with your free time says a lot about your interests, passions, and drive. If you’re constantly thinking of business ideas and brainstorming the next big thing, but you need help learning how to execute your vision, this blog post is for you. Below you’ll find a few of our favorite summer programs for budding entrepreneurs:
Summer 2020 Ideas for Juniors
Holiday season is in full swing, which means that January 1st, 2020 is right around the corner. If you’re anything like us, the start of the new year will cause you to think about the year ahead. And if you’re a junior who plans to apply to a top tier school, or any school really, it’s time to start thinking about what you should do this summer.
The Best Activities for the Summer After Sophomore Year of High School
You’re officially *in* high school now. You’re a rising junior, which means that next year is going to be your most intense yet. Your summer should reflect that. Hopefully this year you’ve done some work exploring and solidifying your interests within the context of your extracurricular activities, outside-of-school efforts, and your reading and online courses. We know we’ve said this before, but it’s important to reiterate: colleges look at how you spend your free time. Summer is a big chunk of free time that is yours for the taking (or wasting).
The Best Activities for the Summer After Freshman Year of High School
The summer after freshman year is your first “real” summer, and we find that the time is best used to explore initial interests in certain areas. That doesn’t mean that you can’t see your friends or that you aren’t allowed to have fun, we’re just saying that colleges look specifically at how you spend your free time as an indicator of success and work ethic and summer means a lot of free time. You could spend it at camp, but that won’t do much to further your interests. We’d like you to use this free chunk of 2-2.5 months to do something that is both fun and related to something academic that you’re interested in. And make sure that you find time to be active and play basketball with your friends. Here are some initial ideas that we have that are perfect for freshmen beginning to explore their interest(s):
The Best Pre-BFA Summer Programs 2019
If you are an aspiring artist of any medium, spending your summer as a volunteer assistant arts teacher one day/week is not going to cut it. College admissions are, frankly, ruthless, and the BFA-track provides no exception. So, we’ve curated a list of impressive and rigorous summer programs for aspiring, cut-throat artists wishing to immerse themselves in their craft once school is out.
What Should I Do in the Summer Between Junior and Senior Year of High School?
There is no shortage of ways you could fill the summer between junior and senior year: sitting on the couch and watching all of Riverdale, sitting on the beach and playing on your phone, and sitting by your friend’s pool and sending snaps are all things you could do. But none of those things are going to get you into college. Fear not. We have a few thoughts on what will.
The Best Entrepreneurship Summer Programs 2019
We encourage our kids to seek the best opportunities possible each summer. Your breaks from school should be seen as time to learn and expand yourself while continuing to craft your portfolio into a body of work that brands you as an expert in some area. It’s never too early to become an entrepreneur. For those who are ambitious and destined for business, these programs might be a good place to start.
The Best Creative Writing Summer Programs 2019
The summer goal for every high schooler should be to do something impressive with their time. You want to work hard and show that your hard work paid off. But a lot of people think that creative writing isn’t a rigorous field. We disagree. In fact, we feel that having a strong grasp of the creative process is crucial for writing standout college essays. There’s no reason you shouldn’t explore your passions during your time off of school, whatever they may be. That’s why we’ve identified a list of programs just for creative writers who are too ambitious to spend the summer siting by the pool and reciting poetry.
Sophomore Year Summer Ideas
Summer is a wonderful time of year. The snow (barring climate change) has melted. Movie theaters market films to kids and teens. Beaches are back open, and perhaps best of all, school is out. We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but unfortunately, if you want to get into a great school spending your time simply lounging and enjoying the bliss of summer isn’t going to cut it. Sorry (not sorry) but in order to be competitive, you’re going to have to be strategic and work hard during your summer vacation.
The Best Computer Science Summer Programs 2019
We get the question all the time: how should I spend my summer? While there’s no one answer, there is a direction in which we recommend our students head during their free time, and that is to spend time doing something in which they can learn and demonstrate their new knowledge on their applications. Granted internships are hard to come by for high schoolers, summer courses are not a bad way to go. If you are going to go the summer program route, keep in mind that the program should be rigorous and should also fall under an academic niche you’ve already been exploring. For kids who intend to study computer science in college, there are an increasing number of great programs each year.
The Best Finance and Economics Summer Programs 2019
Earlier this week, we got an email. It read:
"I am a junior in high school interested in pursuing finance or economics and management in college. Do you know of any summer programs at decent/top tier colleges for high schoolers less than two weeks long in June or July that would help me show colleges my interest in these areas? Thank you very much for your help!"
How To Turn Your Summer into an Ivy League Application
Applications are created, made, and broken with free time that students have (or don’t have). Colleges look carefully at exactly how you spend your free time. And if they can’t tell how you spend your free time while they’re looking at your application, then they’re betting you don’t do much. But…we don’t need to tell you that twice, right? Because you’re reading this blog post. Which means you’re interested in the Ivy League. Which means that you’re likely scheduled out for the next 2-4 weeks.
The Best Summer for College Admission Application Essays
Last Minute Summer Ideas for Juniors who want to go to a Top Tier College
A Guide for Juniors Who Don’t Have Summer Plans Yet  Â
While all of the kids we work with have summer plans by now, we understand that there are some high schoolers out there who haven’t firmed anything up just yet. We know the year has been really busy, but planning something productive for your free time is crucial to the college acceptance process. This process is not new, so while this may sound a little harsh, we’re wondering what you’ve been doing for the past several months. In this post, we’ll talk to you about how you should think about planning your summer. Ultimately, however, it’s all about planning ahead and being ambitious. So, it’s time to kick it into high gear.
How to Decide on a Summer Program 2018
So, you’re a little bit of an over-achiever and you got into all of the summer programs to which you applied. Congrats! Not a bad problem to have. Now, how are you going to choose between them all? The bottom line is, you want to create a singular message to send to these schools, kind of like how companies align on a singular brand identity. Some might say that JetBlue is all about a fun and friendly in-flight experience. Tesla was the first eco-friendly, luxury vehicle, and Toms is all about comfort and community. So, take a moment to identify the brand identity you’ve been developing in yourself for the past three or so years.
How Many Summer Program Applications Are Too Many?
As is often our prerogative at 91Ě˝»¨, we’re going to be real with you; this is not the smartest question and if you’re asking it, you’re probably already in trouble. Consider that asking, “how many summer program applications are too many?” is the same asking You’re missing the point. When applying to summer programs (and college for that matter), it’s all about quality, not quantity.
Summer Activities for Students Interested in Environmental Activism
2017 was colossal in many ways. While you were cramming for the and doing a marathon , America was backing out of the Paris Climate Agreement and Antarctica was losing a chunk of ice the size of Delaware. So, now that you’re free from the clutches of AP U.S. History, you might be considering taking to the streets to join the Climate March on Washington. In this post, we have provided some ideas on how the environmental activists among us can spend their summer while impressing college admissions counselors.
Summer Activities for Students Interested in Politics
Student government may be over for the year, but this summer, Congress will still be very much in session. 2018 is a watershed year for politics. With more women and people of color running for office than any other time in history and arguably more people marching in the streets than any administration since Nixon, the opportunities to get involved are endless. So what if Sarah Blair became a state legislator when she was practically your age? YOU are going to do something other than read Fire and Fury for the seventh time this vacation. In this post, we will discuss the ways in which students interested in politics can leverage their summer vacation to get ahead in the polls.
Summer Activities for Juniors Interested in Healthcare
Summer is a great time to get ahead in the college application game. While your competition is busy binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy, we recommend kicking it into high gear and setting yourself to pursue health care in college. There are a number of different ways you can impress the admissions committee, from taking a great internship to spending the summer in a serious college course. Whatever you choose, make sure you challenge yourself and make sure you get specific. There will be hundreds, perhaps even thousands of other applicants who want to pursue careers in healthcare. In order to set yourself apart, you should spend the developing yourself as the best within a niche within healthcare. In other words, market yourself as the kid who is going to be the best nurse in the pediatric ICU, the top doctor in medical bionics, or even a successful healthcare marketing professional.